The crystal structure of multiferroic CuO
Despite its simple chemical formula, cupric oxide (CuO) has a surprisingly complex magnetic behaviour which remains only partly understood. Interest in CuO has recently... -
Investigating the ammoniation of light metal hydrides for hydrogen storage ap...
Light-metal hydride and amide systems are currently among the most promising materials for reversible hydrogen storage. In this proposal, we ask for 3 days on POLARIS or GEM to... -
Monitoring of KTiOPO4 Crystallization with a New Supercritical In-Situ Hydrot...
This proposal seeks 2 days on POLARIS in order to fully complete the commissioning of a large volume in-situ reaction cell for studying hydrothermal chemical syntheses in... -
Ammonia adsorption studies of Li(11)BD4 and Mg((11)BD4)2
On exposure to ammonia, LiBD4 and Mg(BD4)2 form the respective ammoniates, Li(11)BD4(ND3)n and Mg((11)BD4)2(ND3)6. We have identified the decomposition temperatures, kinetics... -
In situ diffraction studies of cathode materials for Li ion batteries
Li-ion batteries are interesting because they offer high power and, as a consequence, they are preferred to aqueous-based batteries for traction applications e.g. hybrid... -
Ammonia synthesis using lithium hydride-metal nitride composites: an in situ ...
The development of more active catalysts for the production of ammonia will have a worldwide impact on the energy cost of producing fertiliser. Composites of lithium hydride and... -
Sensing Sulphur Dioxide in Robust Porous MOF Materials via Simultaneous Micro...
We seek to develop new materials for sensing and removal of toxic gases (esp., SO2) and request 2 days on POLARIS to study the structural binding details and dielectric data... -
The possibility of strongly ferromagnetic austenite in a stainless steel
It is generally accepted that austenitic steels (fcc) show no ferromagnetic signature. However, thermomagnetic measurements suggest an unexpected ferromagnetic transition (Tc =... -
The use of surfactant structure to control self-assembly induced by the addit...
This proposal is part of a major EPSRC (EP/GR065705)/Unilever funded programme to develop and control the spontaneous formation of surfactant multilayer structures at... -
Spatial, Chemical, and Temporal Resolution of Platinum-Catalysed Benzene Conv...
This proposal aims to study the potential for neutron diffraction to offer spatially-, chemically-, and temporally-resolved information on a dynamic system, in this case the... -
In-situ mechanistic studies of hydrogen storage reactions in lithium amide ha...
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Hydrogen production from ammonia using lithium imide: an isotope study
We have recently discovered that light metal amides and imides are excellent cattalysts for the decomposition of ammonia. We request 3 days on POLARIS to perform in situ neutron... -
Magnetic excitation spectrum of a potential spin liquid candidate
PbCuTe2O6 consists of a 3-dimensional arrangement of spin-1/2 Cu ions. There are 3 potentially strong interactions, the first neighbor interaction couples the magnetic ions into... -
Thermoelastic properties of ammonium sulfate, (ND4)2SO4, and the P-T dependen...
Ammonium sulfate exhibits a first-order phase transition upon cooling through ~ 224 K at room pressure, from a paraelectric to a ferroelectric crysta. There are outstanding... -
Understanding the decomposition of ammonia by lithium-calcium imide
Among light metal amide-imide catalysts for ammonia decomposition, lithium-calcium imide is the most promising candidate for practical application. Ex situ diffraction data... -
Unpicking the signal of partial order from thermal motion in diffuse scatteri...
Orientationally-disordered water molecules in ice adopt a degree of partial order upon cooling, a process that is halted by kinetics at ~100 K in pure ice and ~60 K in KOH-doped... -
In Situ High Pressure NMR study of the Direct Synthesis of NaAlH4
NaAlH4 has been a model system for metal hydride hydrogen storage materials since the reaction was identified to be reversible. The decomposition pathway has been described by a... -
Simultaneous Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy and Neutron Diffraction to Mon...
With appropriate storage materials, ammonia has great potential as a fuel. We propose to use a novel piece of equipment, which combines microwave and neutron diffraction... -
In-situ hydrogen decomposition studies of ammonia borane and the diammoniate ...
Ammonia borane (AB) is one of the most promising hydrogen storage materials. We have extensively studied the low temperature behaviour of this material This proposal asks for 3... -
The Interaction of Ammonia with Binary and Ternary Nitrides
We request 2 days on GEM in conjunction with the IGAn apparatus to investigate the formation of lithium amide (LiNH2) from the interaction of Li3N with ammonia (ND3), and the...