Investigation of the Dynamic Mechanism of Xylanase by QENS
In this proposal we will pioneer the use of QENS in combination with molecular biology mutagenesis and in silico design to guide the re-engineering of a glycoside hydrolase,... -
Cryopreservation of liver transplant cells
Development of new cryopreservation strategies has major potential in medicine and agriculture, and is critical to the conservation of endangered species that currently cannot... -
Diffraction investigation of cyclic molecules on surfaces of different symmetry
The wetting of solid surfaces by gases and liquids is both fundamentally and technologically important especially in the areas of energy storage and conversion, e.g. catalysis.... -
Programme Access Rosseinsky
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Programme access Nelmes
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QENS on Lightweight Borohydrides
We propose to study two aspects of the hydrogen dynamics in complex hydrides:First: The structural transitions in borohydrides are believed to be connected with an increase in... -
Neutron scattering investigation of the influence of high hydrostatic pressur...
Amyloid fibrils are highly organized filamentous structures formed by the self-assembly of polypeptides. This proposal is to study the effect of pressure on the structure of... -
Water dynamics in dental zinc cement by quasi-elastic neutron scattering
Zinc phosphate cements (ZPCs) are used in dentistry. Cement formulation (liquid+solid) is largely empirical because of lack of information on the exact chemical nature of the... -
Dynamics of a New and High Performance Proton Conductor ZnADP.3H2O
We propose to measure the dynamics in ZnADP¿3H2O, a new and high performance material that exhibits proton conductivity as high as Nafion membranes, which is the best commercial... -
Thermal fluctuations of cold shock proteins from different flavours of extrem...
Extremophiles are organisms which survive and thrive in extreme environments. The proteins from extremophilic organisms have received considerable attention as they are... -
The structure of hydrogen in calcium-ammonia-graphite: an in situ time resolv...
The aim of this proposal is to determine the in-plane and out-of-plane structure of H2 in the two dimensional galleries of stage-I calcium-ammonia-graphite intercalates: this... -
QENS on Halide Stabilized LiBH4
LiBH4, is an ionic solid, consisting of Li+ and BH4- ions. It undergoes a structural phase transition at 383K. Within the HT phase, the BH4-units undergo rapid re-orientations,... -
High pressure behaviour of sulfuric acid tetrahydrate
Our previous work on sulfuric acid tetrahydrate (SAT) identified a monoclinic high-pressure polymorph, which forms at 5.35 kbar when the tetragonal low-pressure phase is warmed... -
Water diffusion mechanism in hydrated amorphous calcium carbonate
Calcium carbonates are highly important in geochemistry and especially in biomineralization. In nature, organisms can form each of the anhydrous polymorphs selectively for... -
Investigation of the relevant thermodynamic parameters for the production of ...
With fantastic flux gains over its liquid conterpart, a solid methane moderator is essential to the newly built Second Target Station at ISIS. Unfortunately, it is notoriously... -
Dynamics of Water on Surface of Reverse Osmotic Membranes
We are proposing 10 days of beamtime on IRIS to investigate the diffusion process of H2O molecules adsorbed on polyamide, surface material of reverse osmotic membranes currently... -
Structural phase diagram of hydrated silks
The formation of silk fibres in both spiders and silkworms is characterized by a conversion of short range ordered structures in solution into long range ordered beta-sheet rich... -
Cation reorientation dynamics in a hybrid Prussian blue analogue
The cubic pores in many Prussian blue analogues are big enough to contain organic cations. In the material (HIm)2K[Fe(CN)6], the imidazolate guest cation is free to rotate in... -
The effect of sodium ordering on rattling modes in sodium cobaltate
NaxCoO2 has exceptional thermoelectric properties, including low thermal conductivity, and it is currently under consideration for use in power recovery applications and as a... -
Local structure of the ferroelectric and giant barocaloric (ND4)2SO4
Ammonium sulfate has a well-known order-disorder phase transition at -50 ºC: initially of interest for the ferroelectric behaviour in the low-temperature phase, this has...