On-site substrate characterization in the anaerobic digestion context: a data...
The near infrared spectra of thirty-three freeze-dried and ground organic waste samples of various biochemical composition were collected on four optical systems, including a... -
Background data for an LCA study of vine shoots as fillers in biocomposite pa...
The data set present background data for an LCA study of fillers. The objective of the study was to better understand the potential environmental benefit of using vine shoots... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in Science for F...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers belonging to the Science... -
AgriMultiPol Cholortalonil 2018
Chlorotalonil concentration and fluxes measured after field application in Grignon -
Numerical simulation program based on Carver-Richards equations for the calcu...
This Scilab program calculates the transverse relaxation rate of sugar solutions modeling the fruit vacuolar content by taking into account various parameters such as the... -
Background data for a techno-economic assessment and a life cycle assessment ...
The data set present the background for a techno-economic assessment and a life cycle assessment of two polyphenol extraction methods, solvent extraction (SE) and pressurized... -
Spectra transfer model of NIR spectra of soil samples.
This dataset presents near infrared spectra of different soils samples acquired on two different spectrometers in two different labs. A first set of soil spectra (BIPEA soils... -
MassJ : Julia package for mass spectrometry data treatment and analysis
MassJ is a package for loading, processing and plotting mass spectrometry data. It provides a range of functionalities such as: * Getting information on the file * Load a file *... -
Background data for the identification of an ideal biorefinery technology for...
This data set is supplementary information to a study aiming to identify the ideal biorefinery technology for a given region. Biotechnologies are assessed by a combination of... -
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) fluxes and concentrations over a winter wheat...
These data were gathered during the COV3ER project, which measured fluxes of VOC over wheat, oilseed rape, maize and green oak in France. This dataset contains fluxes of VOC... -
Replication Data for: A stoichio-kinetic model for a DPPH ̇ -Ferulic acid rea...
Full set of experimental raw files related to DPPH spontaneous reduction and reduction by ferulic acid and by diferulic acid. Gnucash files were created during experiments with... -
A dataset of the chemical composition and near-infrared spectroscopy measurem...
The dataset is composed of chemical analysis results and the NIR spectra of 490 solid animal organic waste products that were collected in 2 campaigns conducted in 2018 and... -
Membrane processes for the concentration of VFAs occurring in effluents of bi...
Relatively scarce VFA concentration in actual fermentation broths hinders their potential exploitation as bio-based substrates. Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis approaches can... -
PHA pilot plant pictures deliverable 3.3
The dataset includes the pictures of the pilot plant platform for PHA production reported in the deliverable 3.3, the pictures are related to the description of the two... -
French soil samples near infrared spectroscopy measurements and associated ph...
This dataset presents near infrared spectra of soil samples from the experimental INRAE stations of the CAREX network including Auzeville, Epoisses, Crouel, Theix, Lusignan,... -
Physical properties of aqueous solutions of fructo-oligosaccharides and refer...
This dataset contain the composition and physical properties of aqueous solutions of fructo-oligosaccharides produced as part of the PREMIUM project, compared to reference... -
Questionnaire structure of stakeholder survey about biomaterials and biogas ...
The questionnaire for solutions to obtain NoAW biomaterials based on agricultural residues included the introduction of 5 solutions: PHBV biocomposites, biobased epoxy resins,...