217 datasets found

Keywords: Epidemiologiska studier

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  • Malmö Förebyggande Medicin

    The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the...
  • PcBaSe Sweden

    PcBaSe Sweden is a data base for clinical epidemiological prostate cancer research based on linkages between the National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR) of Sweden, a nationwide...
  • Kohorten av svenska män (COSM) - Kohorten av svenska män, COSM 1997

    The Cohort of Swedish Men is a large population-based cohort of over 45,000 men in the counties of Västmanland and Örebro. All men born 1918-1952 who were residing in...
  • Kohorten av svenska män (COSM) - Kohorten av svenska män, COSM 2008 hälsa

    The Cohort of Swedish Men is a large population-based cohort of over 45,000 men in the counties of Västmanland and Örebro. All men born 1918-1952 who were residing in...
  • Kohorten av svenska män (COSM) - Kohorten av svenska män, COSM 2009 livsstil

    The Cohort of Swedish Men is a large population-based cohort of over 45,000 men in the counties of Västmanland and Örebro. All men born 1918-1952 who were residing in...
  • Kohorten av svenska män (COSM) - Kohorten av svenska män, COSM 2019 hälsa

    The Cohort of Swedish Men is a large population-based cohort of over 45,000 men in the counties of Västmanland and Örebro. All men born 1918-1952 who were residing in...
  • Kohorten av svenska män (COSM) - Kohorten av svenska män, COSM 2019 livsstil

    The Cohort of Swedish Men is a large population-based cohort of over 45,000 men in the counties of Västmanland and Örebro. All men born 1918-1952 who were residing in...
  • OLIN-studierna

    The Obstructive Lung Disease in Northern Sweden (OLIN) Studies, is a research program ongoing since 1985. It includes descriptive, analytic and interventional epidemiologic...
  • Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 1987

    The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were...
  • Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 1997

    The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were...
  • Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 2008 hälsa

    The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were...
  • Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 2009 livsstil

    The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were...
  • Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 2019 hälsa

    The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were...
  • Svenska mammografikohorten (SMC) 2019 livsstil

    The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were...
  • BAMSE projektet 2-3 månader

    Both heredity and environmental factors influence childrens' risk for developing respiratory and allergy related diseases, but how these factors influence the age of onset and...
  • BAMSE projektet 1 år

    Both heredity and environmental factors influence childrens' risk for developing respiratory and allergy related diseases, but how these factors influence the age of onset and...
  • BAMSE projektet 2 år

    Both heredity and environmental factors influence childrens' risk for developing respiratory and allergy related diseases, but how these factors influence the age of onset and...
  • BAMSE projektet 4 år

    Both heredity and environmental factors influence childrens' risk for developing respiratory and allergy related diseases, but how these factors influence the age of onset and...
  • BAMSE projektet 8 år

    Both heredity and environmental factors influence childrens' risk for developing respiratory and allergy related diseases, but how these factors influence the age of onset and...
  • BAMSE projektet 12 år

    Both heredity and environmental factors influence childrens' risk for developing respiratory and allergy related diseases, but how these factors influence the age of onset and...
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