quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment process 6
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment process 6 -
Evaluating the effect of cyclic plasticity on creep using a novel crystal pla...
In power generation plants, many critical components are subjected to complex tension-compression cyclic loading followed by long-term creep dwells. While uniaxial creep... -
Ordering phenomena and magnetic phase transitions in Mn2TeO6
Our aim is to study with high resolution neutron powder diffraction the two orthorhombic phases of Mn2TeO6 at RT, so as to understand the origin of the observed structural... -
NET Round Robin Measurements of 3-Pass AISI316 Welded Plate Samples
This work is part of a round robin exercise in residual stress standardisation as part of the NET programme. Within the NET programme, multiple simulations of the weld stress... -
Effect of temperature and strain mode on the strain partitioning and deformat...
Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are widely used in oil, nuclear and petrochemical industries due to their excellent mechanical and corrosion resistance properties. They are used... -
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment porcess
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment porcess -
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment process 5
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment process 5 -
In-situ study of the deformation mechanisms involved during high temperature ...
The present work proposes to investigate the mechanisms of the hot and the superplastic (SP) deformation behaviour for a two-phase Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) that presents an... -
This dataset has no description
Measurement of Residual Stresses in Side-Punched Single Edge Notched Bend Spe...
Residual stresses have been generated, mechanically, in single edge notched bend specimens by side-punching ahead of sharp notches. Given that this is a novel method of... -
The Effect of Residual Stress Distribution on Creep Cracking Behaviour of Wel...
Fracture prediction of structures manufactured from high strength engineering steels is a high priority in key industries. In this work residual stress (RS) effects on creep... -
Novel dual purpose antimicrobials and co-formulates to regenerate currently r...
The increased prevalence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria is the most significant challenge facing the human-health today in both developed and developing worlds. It's... -
Mixed alkali metal nanoclusters and in situ formation of amides in large-pore...
We ask for 3 days on TOSCA to conduct Inelastic Neutron Spectroscopy on potassium/sodium encapsulated in silica gel materials (K2Na-SG) and for in situ formation of... -
Neutron characterisation of iron meteorite fragments from Monturaqui and Waba...
Meteorite impacts are one of the most significant processes modifying planetary surfaces, where materials (e.g., rocks, sand, meteorite fragments ) are subjected to temperature... -
Residual Stress Measurements in Inc718 and C263 Nickel Based Super-Alloys and...
This project is being conducted at the Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC), funded by UK government through the Innovative UK (I-UK) initiative known as Manufacturing... -
In-situ Observation of Strain Evolution of Hydrogen Pre-charge Super Duplex S...
Mechanical properties of metals can be largely degraded by the present of solute hydrogen, and this phenomenon is referred as hydrogen embrittlement. This phenomenon has been... -
This experiment has important applications in the power generation industry, and is a continuation of two experiments completed at the ILL where we have characterised the... -
Residual Stress Measurement of Bead-on-plate Weld Geometry for a P91 martensi...
The objective of our research programme is to study the microstructure and stress state evolution in the heat affected zone (HAZ) on welds of P91 and other 9Cr steels. The work... -
Neutron diffraction analysis of a failed 1400s wrought iron tie rod from Mila...
We propose to deeply investigate one metallic (iron based) failed tie-rod sample, from Duomo di Milano (Italy). The tie-rod, a typical iron strengthening element in gothic... -
Pre-Strain Effects on Intergranular Stresses and Subsequent Deformation
The proposal aims to examine how introducing 8% plastic strain in 316H steel through precompression, influences the intergranular strains in the material when loaded parallel...