Moment stability and spin fluctuations in ferromagnetic Au4V
Au4V is an extremely unusual alloy. Neither Au nor V is generally found to carry a magnetic moment in the metallic state, yet the body-centred tetragonal (bct), structurally... -
The Metal to Insulator Transition (MIT) in Bi1.7V8O16 probed with neutron spe...
We propose to investigate the low energy spin and orbital fluctuations in Bi1.7V8O16 which displays a metal to insulator transition. This work will be performed in conjunction... -
Chemical control of structures and magnetic ordering of cobalt oxide chalcoge...
The response of the magnetic ordering of layered cobalt oxide chalcogenides to changes in electron count will be investigated in detail following a preliminary experiment at... -
In-Situ Studies of Alternative Mobile-Ions for High-Temperature Thermal Batte...
Whilst rechargeable batteries continue to take over the consumer electronics market, they are unsuitable to replace specific battery technologies, such as the thermal battery,... -
Ionic disorder and phase transition studies of Lightweight Hydrides LiBH4 and...
We ask for 3 days on EMU to study the Muon spectroscopy of both LiBH4 and Ca(BH4)2 as a function of temperature from 90K-650K. These materials have been extensively... -
MuSR Studies of the Proton Conducting Polymer Nafion
The fluorinated ionomer Nafion is a material that provides efficient proton conducting membranes for application in important technological areas such as hydrogen fuel cells.... -
muSR investigation of spin liquid Tb2Ti2O7
Among the rare earth titanates and stannates cristallising in the pyrochlore crystal structure, Tb2Ti2O7 is a singular system since its ground state is believed to be a spin... -
MUSR studies in the spin ferromagnetic Nd0.75Gd0.25Rh3B2 and Nd0.8Tb0.2Al2 al...
We propose to characterize the two magnetic transitions in Nd0.75Gd0.25Rh3B2 and study the spin dynamics and field induced domain rotation via zero field (ZF) and longitudinal... -
API-DES: improving drug solubility with deep eutectic solvents
Improving the efficiency of existing drugs is currently one of the major goals of pharmaceutical industries. Rather than developing new drugs, which requires new clinical... -
Ferroelectric phase transition in Rochelle salt
We propose to measure total scattering from Rochelle Salt in order to provide new insights into the re-entrant phase transitions in this material. Rochelle Salt is an old... -
MuSR study to investigation a small moment magnetic ordering in Ce(Os1-xFex)2...
Our recent musr studies on CeT 2Al10 (T=Os and Ru) reveal a clear sign of long range magnetic ordering below 28 K in both the compounds. More interestingly the frequency... -
Enhancement of anomalous low-frequency fluctuations in Mn-doped La1-yYyFeAsO0...
Understanding the normal phase behaviour of the iron based superconductors is very important in order to shed new light on the physics of these complex materials. Mn impurities... -
uSR study of low temperature magnetism in Li NMC 811
LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (Li NMC 811) is a next generation Li ion battery cathode material. We are investigating the magnetic properties of Li NMC 811 to track the changes in local... -
ARGUS Commisioning
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Molecular Dynamics in Polystyrene
A basic understanding of the dynamic processes in polystyrene (PS) is a question of utmost interest and has technological ramifications due to its importance in commercial... -
Neutron Compton scattering investigation of hydrogen defects in Al2O3/Al hydr...
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Chasing the hydrogen-saturated defects in tungsten with Muon spectroscopy
The structure and dynamics of hydrogen (H) defects in tungsten recently become a topic of major interest since this metal has been chosen as shielding material for the next step... -
MuSR study of a spin gap opening associated with an extraordinary magnetovolu...
We have discovered an unusual magnetovolume effect in the 6H-perovskite oxides Ba3BiIr2O9 and Ba3BiRu2O9. These compounds contain isolated face-sharing bi-octahedral dimers... -
Muonium in alpha-boron
Previous muon experiments have identified a muonium state in the commonly occuring, but complex, beta rhombohedral form of elemental boron. To complement recent theoretical work... -
Novel ground states and spin ordering in iridate pyrochlores
We request four days of beam time to conduct zero and longitudinal field measurements on iridate pyrochlores A2Ir2O7 (A = Y, Lu, Nd) in the temperature range 200 K to 2 K and in...