Amino acids and hexosamines of sediment samples from different oceanic areas ...
This large set of sediment samples was collected in different oceanic areas between 1987 and 2015 from shelf seas to the deep ocean. The samples were compiled from previous... -
Concentrations of export production indicators and corrected and non-correcte...
Studying oceanic particle fluxes from sediment records is an important component of paleoceanography. Traditionally, we calculate these fluxes using a combination of linear... -
Organic carbon content and accumulation rates of IODP Site 321-U1338
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Carbonate content and accumulation rates of IODP Site 321-U1337
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Intracellular goniodomin A (GDA) content of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax deter...
The ingestion rates of three Acartia tonsa life-stages (N4-nauplii, C4-copepodites and adult copepods) feeding on three different strains of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax,... -
Ingestion rates of three Acartia tonsa life-stages (N4-nauplii, C4-copepodite...
The ingestion rates of three Acartia tonsa life-stages (N4-nauplii, C4-copepodites and adult copepods) feeding on three different strains of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax,... -
Abundance, biomass and respiration data of fishes (Stomiiformes) from the BAT...
The values of carbon remineralisation were measured in juveniles/adults of 5 non-migratory bristlemouth fishes (Cyclothone spp.) and partial migrator (Argyropelecus hemigymnus)... -
Copepod community respiration during POLARSTERN cruise PS81 (ANT-XXIX/1)
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Data compilation of jellyfish swimming velocities
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Seawater carbonate chemistry and oxidative stress response, carbon metabolism...
We conducted a full-factorial lab experiment to study the individual and combined effects of temperature (18°C and 21°C), pCO2 (400 and 1000 ppm), and dissolved N:P ratio (16... -
Phaeocystis pouchetii's responses to temperature (2 vs. 6 °C), light (55 vs. ...
We assessed the responses of solitary cells of Arctic Phaeocystis pouchetii (Strain PS78) grown under a matrix of temperature (2°C vs. 6°C), light intensity (55 vs. 160 μmol... -
Physical oceanography, inorganic nutrients, dissolved and particulate organic...
The Cape Verde Frontal Zone (CVFZ) is a highly dynamic region located in the southern boundary of the Canary Current Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystem. Due to the interaction... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biogeochemical parameters were measured or c...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2020) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
Long-term mesocosm study in Gullmar Fjord Sweden in 2013
The present biogeochemical parameters were measured or calculated in 2013 during a long-term mesocosm CO2 perturbation study in Gullmar Fjord (Sweden). The natural plankton... -
Ship-based biogeochemical bottle data from the CVOO time series (2006-2019) i...
This dataset compiles all available ship-based biogeochemical measurements at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO) into one merged dataset. The irregular measurements at CVOO... -
Field Observatory dynamic data storage
A dynamic data storage containing the data presented in the Field Observatory website (https://www.fieldobservatory.org). The data is described in the article Nevalainen et al.,... -
Fatty acid contents of the copepod Temora longicornis
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Cellular composition of the arctic picoeukaryote Micromonas pusilla
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Fatty acid contents for the larvae of the polychaete Lanice conchilega
The larvae of the reef-building polychaete Lanice conchilega can make up to 15% of the summer zooplankton biomass in the North Sea. Despite their importance for reef maintenance... -
Organic geochemistry of ODP Site 202-1234
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