Interphase stresses and load-sharing during high temperature deformation of a...
Aim: The strengthening mechanisms of a creep resistant bainitic 1%CrMoV steel at both ambient and elevated temperatures are governed by the complex microstructure comprising... -
Al cylinder with 30% deformation
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Hysteresis in the deformation of layered crystal structures
The aim of this proposal is to study the origin of the hysteresis effect in many layered crystal structures, in particular MAX-phases, such as Ti2AlC. This effect has been... -
The effect of Aluminium on the deformation mechanisms in Titanium
The aim of this experiment is to study the effect of Aluminium (Al) on deformation mechanisms in Titanium (Ti) alloys with a particular emphasis on studying twinning. Titanium... -
Mechanical twinning in quartz rocks: in situ experiments at stress and during...
Previous experiments at ENGIN-X (Wenk et al. 2007) established that quartz rocks undergo mechanical twinning if stressed above 100 MPa. The amount of twinning is highly... -
In-situ lattice deformation measurement in a ferritic steel at elevated tempe...
In our research programme the overall goal is to explore and characterise the multiscale deformation in a high-strength ferritic power plant steel (P91/P92). A micromechanical... -
Non-uniform elastic deformation of layered crystal structures
The aim of the experiment is to determine the relative compressibility of the structural layers in three 211 MAX phases (Ti2AlC, Ta2AlC and Cr2AlC) using the PEARL-HiPr beam... -
Al cylinder with 20% deformation
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Lattice strain evolution during high temperature deformation of an engineerin...
In our research programme the overall goal is to explore how residual stress/strain influences the deformation and fracture behaviour of engineering steels at high temperatures.... -
Relating plastic deformation to angle dependent IGS for multiple hkl peaks
For some engineering purposes like welding or SCC where IGS (Inter Granular Stresses) increase susceptibility to cracking, some indicator of the level of plastic deformation... -
Non-uniform elastic deformation of layered crystal structures
The experiment will resolve a discrepancy between earlier experiments carried out very recently by us and work elsewhere on the hydrostatic compression of a series of 211... -
The Influence of Post-Quench Delay on the Residual Stresses in Cold Compresse...
Residual stresses introduced into large aerospace aluminium components after the queching procedure carried out to form the desired microstructure can result in large, costly... -
Continuation: In situ neutron diffractometry of single crystal superalloys
We propose to carry out in-situ neutron diffractometry on testpieces of a latest-generation single crystal superalloy. This work is in support of current EPSRC projects... -
In situ deformation and transformation studies of zirconia dental ceramic
Yttria-stabilised polycrystalline zirconia ceramics (Y-TZP¿s) possess a unique combination of properties that make them attractive for dental prosthetic applications: strength,... -
In situ study of stainless steel martensitic transformation at cryogenic temp...
The mechanical properties of of austenitic stainless steels are thought to be improved by the phenomenon of deformation-induced martensitic transformation, which acts to... -
Fatbox - Fault Analysis Toolbox
Fatbox - Fault Analysis Toolbox is a python module for the extraction and analysis of faults (and fractures) in raster data. We often observer faults in 2-D or 3-D raster data... -
Digital image correlation data from analogue modeling experiments addressing ...
This data set includes the results of digital image correlation (DIC) of two experiments on gravitational tectonics at passive margins performed at the Helmholtz Laboratory for... -
Supplement to “Synchronization of great subduction megathrust earthquakes: In...
This data set provides data from subduction zone earthquake experiments and analysis described in Rosenau et al. (2019). In the experiments analogue seismotectonic scale models... -
Digital image correlation data from analogue modeling experiments addressing ...
This data set includes the results of digital image correlation of three experiments on gravitational tectonics at passive margins performed at the Helmholtz Laboratory for...