SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2019
In the autumn of 2019, the fourth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 5000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2020
In the autumn of 2020, the fifth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 8 000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2021
In the autumn of 2021, the sixth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 7000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes... -
QoG Social Policy Dataset - Long Time-Series CS Data
The QoG Institute is an independent research institute within the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. Overall 30 researchers conduct and promote... -
European Representative Democracy Data Archive
The European Representative Democracy data archive consists of cabinet-level data for 29 European democracies in post-WWII Europe. For each country it includes data for the... -
Internationella förhandlingsbarometern
The International Negotiations Survey is a research program with the aim to advance interdisciplinary knowledge using questionnaire data collected at international negotiations.... -
Terminologiska resurser från Försäkringskassan
Internal terminological resources recieved directly from Försäkringskassan by e-mail. Excel files with term lists. One file per language pair, where Swedish is always the... -
Parallella texter från Försäkringskassan
Forms that have been downloaded from the website (forsakringskassan.se) plus with e-mail templates that were sent to us directly from Försäkringkassan by e-mail. All the files... -
Texter från Arbetsförmedlingen
Parallel texts downloaded from the websites of the Swedish Public Employment Agency. Parallel texts downloaded from the website of Swedish Public Employment Service. What was... -
Svensk-finsk socialordlista
Swedish-Sweden Finnish social word list contains the main vocabulary in social insurance, elder and youth care, family law, health care and nursing, drug abuse and treatment,... -
Svensk valundersökning 1964
The 1964 election study was the start of a three-stage panel in which the same respondents were interviewed at the elections of 1964, 1968 and 1970. Questions were asked about... -
Svensk valundersökning 1973
This study is number six in the collection of Swedish election studies carried out in connection with a general election. In 1973 a new kind of panel was introduced. This was a... -
Svensk opinion 1979
This is the first survey in a collection of studies on Swedish opinion conducted during the period 1979-1985. While the purpose has been to collect rather detailed information... -
Kommunala valrörelser 1979 - Medborgarundersökningen
The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the... -
Kommunala valrörelser 1979 - Femkommunsundersökningen
The second project started as a result of a decision of the Swedish Parliament taken in December 1978. The research program was designed by a government commission, the... -
Kommunalpolitikerundersökningen 1979-80 - Kommunfullmäktiges ledamöter
The survey forms part of the project ´Local government - an evaluation of the reform of amalgamation of municipalities´. The main issues dealt with how the organisation of... -
Kommunalpolitikerundersökningen 1979-80 - Nämndernas ledamöter
The survey forms part of the project ´Local government - an evaluation of the reform of amalgamation of municipalities´. The main issues dealt with how the organisation of... -
Kommunalpolitikerundersökningen 1979-80 - Förutvarande kommunfullmäktige
The survey forms part of the project ´Local government - an evaluation of the reform of amalgamation of municipalities´. The main issues dealt with how the organisation of... -
Kommunalpolitikerundersökningen 1979-80 - Specialfrågor till kommunfullmäktig...
The survey forms part of the project ´Local government - an evaluation of the reform of amalgamation of municipalities´. The main issues dealt with how the organisation of... -
Svensk valundersökning 1982
This study is part of the collection of Swedish election studies fielded continuously since 1956. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous election...