Verrechtsing middelbare scholieren 1982-1983
Measuring right-extreme opinions in a secondary school population. Family background / political behaviour / involvement with school / right-extremism, racism, fascism,... -
Rookgewoonten Amstelveense schooljeugd 1974
Smoking habits / motivations for ( not ) smoking / perceived consequences of smoking / smoking habits within the family / attitude of parents. Background variables: basic... -
Rijksmuseum en zijn bezoekers 1973
Motivations, experiences, ways of acquiring information and behaviour of visitors of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Reasons for visiting Rijksmuseum / company and duration /... -
Demotivatie bij leraren 1984
Survey on extent and causes of burnout and de-motivation of teachers in secondary education. Emotional exhaustion ( burnout ) as a result of teaching, reduction of motivation /... -
Sociale problematiek van de ex-danser 1972-1979
Study of experiences of professional dancers who had to stop dancing because of their age and look for other work. Mail survey: vocational dance training / general schooling and... -
Turkse kinderen in niemandsland 1975
Turkey / contacts in Utrecht / housing situation / occupational situation / illness / situation of the children ( in Holland and in Turkey ) / possibilities for small children... -
Arbeidsbemiddeling 1967
detailed data on work and working situation and occupational history / attitude to 'finding work' / most-least pleasant job / attitude to present job / satisfaction with income... -
Huwelijk en gezin 1965
Attitude towards engagement, marriage and family / premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness / conventional family roles / conventional male, female roles / family... -
Funkties en carrierepatronen van ekonomen 1968
Job opportunities for economists / occupational history and job structure / social background / interest in post-graduate course / motivation for occupational choice. Background... -
Leefsituatie onderzoek, 1974 - LSO'74
Number of persons in the house / space / quality / facilities / problems with domestic work / presence of garden / terrace / park in neighbourhood / possibilities for shopping /... -
Onderzoek kindercreches, peuterspeelzalen en overblijfcentra 1971
The need for day care centres, kindergarten, facilities for lunch at school / living accommodation / outdoor activities / use of day nurseries and the like, reasons / necessity... -
Ervaringen met goal attainment scaling in het algemeen maatschappelijk werk 1980
Evaluation of the Goal Attainment Scaling method. Description of problem / pursued objects to solve problem / participation of client / scales indicating realization of pursued... -
Belangstelling voor de Hoge Veluwe 1966
Motivations for visiting the park. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets -
Organisatiestruktuur en sociaal milieu in zwakzinnigen inrichtingen 1970
Social versus instrumental leadership / perceived versus ideal power and consultancy structure / image of the organization / involvement / communications and coordination /... -
Topsport in het geding 1971
Knowledge about number of amateurs in top-class sports, their background and problems coinciding with practising sport. R's parents active in sports / r practising particular... -
Van onderen 1973-1974 : Industriearbeiders over media en vakbondswerk
Knowledge of and exposure to 'van onderen' radio and tv-programs in which the situation of workers, the work of trade-unions, and works-councils etc. is discussed critically /... -
Sociale herkomst van studenten aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1965-1985
Social background of male and female students at the University of Amsterdam and the ( supposed ) relation between social background and field of study, previous training and... -
Vakantie-onderzoek 1969
Details on holidays / type / destination / period / company / kind of accommodation at present and in the past / organization / planning / booking / means of transport.... -
Kwaliteit van arbeid 1977
Details on job situation and quality of work evaluation / job history / characteristics / level of job / challenges / financial rewards / resource adequacy / relations with... -
Museumenquete, 1982-1983
Effects of charging entrance fee on composition of visitors and on number of visits of four museums. Number of visits to museum / length of visit / intended or accidental visit...