Pollen analysis of surface samples near sediment core Fiekers Busch
Poor pollen preservation throughout. Exact position unknown. -
Pollen profile from sediment core Fiekers Busch
Poor pollen preservation throughout -
Pollen profile from sediment core Aschenhütte
Samples H75-30 to H75-32 taken from exposure H75 (adjacent to H77), both profiles overlapping, hiatus at 3.16 m and 4.85 m. -
Pollen profile from sediment core Akazienweg
This dataset has no description
Pollen profile from sediment core Ottostrasse
Lake sediment; zone 9: reworked material, no autochthonous pollen. A proven hiatus at 43.26 m depth. -
(Fig. 3) Pollen profile from exposure Fluderbach Ia, Samerberg
Horizontal sample surface 6 cm x 6 cm. Zero at the base of the profile. See doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.727045 for the pollen concentration profile. -
(Fig. 3) Pollen concentration profile from exposure Fluderbach Ia, Samerberg
Horizontal sample surface 6 cm x 6 cm. Zero at the base of the profile. See doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.727046 for the percentages pollen profil. -
(Enclosure 2, middle part) Pollen profile from exposure Fluderbach I, Samerberg
Horizontal sample surface 6 cm x 6 cm. Zero at the base of the profile. Hiatus at 0.17 m, 0.27 m, most likely also at 0.2 m. -
(Enclosure 2, upper part) Pollen profile from exposure Fluderbach C, Samerberg
Horizontal sample surface 6 cm x 6 cm. Zero at the base of the profile. -
(Enclosure 2, lower part) Pollen profile from sediment core Fluderbach, Samer...
Zero at the top of the profile. Hiatus at 1.15 m. -
(Enclosure 1, Fig. 1) Complete pollen spectra of the samples represented by t...
Diameter of the drilling samples = 130 mm, otherwise 6 cm x 6 cm. -
(Enclosure 3) Pollen profile from sediment core Samerberg 1
Diameter of the core = 130 mm. Zero at the top of the profile. Hiatus (proven) at 9.8 m, 11.78 m, 19.41m, 20 m, 20.26 m, 20.41 m, 21.65 m, and 22.23 m. Hiatus (probable) at... -
Pollen and spore record of profile LAO14-94
This dataset has no description
(Fig. 3) Pollen and spore record of profile CS98-10 at Cape Shpindler, Yugors...
Analyst: A. Andreev -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Siemen2
Pollen zones after Firbas I-III. 14C dating: 11235 ± 105 uncal. BP 760-780 cm. 200-830 cm Feindetritusgyttja -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Siemen1
Pollen zones after Firbas V-Xa. Bruchwaldtorf, 10-85 cm Tiefe -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Nienhofer Forst
Pollen zones after Firbas Xa-Xb. 45 cm Sphagnumtorf über 75 cm sandiger Mudde -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Maujahn4
Pollen zones after Firbas VIII-IXb. 345 cm schwach zersetzter Sphagnumtorf -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Maujahn3
Pollen zones after Firbas IX-Xb. 150 cm schwach zersetzter Sphagnumtorf mit Ericaceen-Reisern -
Pollen profile from a swamp at site Maujahn2
Pollen zones after Firbas VIII-IX. 240 cm schwach zersetzter Sphagnumtorf