Forcing data for Regional Climate Models based on the MPI-ESM-LR model of the...
RCM forcing data from three realisations of the CMIP5 experiment rcp85. The experiment covers the period 2006-2100. The members are... -
Forcing data for Regional Climate Models based on the MPI-ESM-LR model of the...
RCM forcing data from three realisations of the CMIP5 experiment rcp45. The experiment covers the period 2006-2100. The members are... -
Forcing data for Regional Climate Models based on the MPI-ESM-LR model of the...
RCM forcing data from three realisations of the CMIP5 future scenario experiment rcp26. The experiment covers the period 2006-2100. The... -
Forcing data for Regional Climate Models based on the MPI-ESM-LR model of the...
RCM forcing data from three realisations of the CMIP5 experiment historical. The historical experiment covers the period 1850-2005. Forcing data are... -
Forcing data for Regional Climate Models based on the MPI-ESM-LR model of the...
RCM forcing data from three realisations of the CMIP5 experiment amip. The experiment covers the years 1979 to 2008 with a three year initialized spinup... -
Data for manuscript "The role of model biases in the simulated North Atlantic...
Zonal wind output data from ECHAM6 experiments needed for the analysis presented in the manuscript "The role of model biases in the simulated North Atlantic jet stream response... -
ECHAM6 T63L95 Bias Corrected model data
Bias corrected ECHAM6 atmospheric model data for experiments with an artificial snow anomaly. The model is ECHAM6.3 but has been modified to bias correct the mean climate of...