Ion concentrations of snow pit DML82S05_17
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Ion concentrations of snow pit DML81S05_16
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Ion concentrations of snow pit DML80S05_15
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Ion concentrations of snow pit DML79S05_14
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Ion concentrations of snow pit DML78S05_13
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Ion concentrations of snow pit DML77S05_12
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Ion concentrations of snow pit DML76S05_11
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Ion concentrations between 12-120 m of ice core ngt23C94.2
For data requests please contact Hubertus Fischer (mailto:hfischer@climate.unibe.ch) -
Ion concentrations between 0-12 m of ice core ngt23C94.2
For data requests please contact Hubertus Fischer (mailto:hfischer@climate.unibe.ch) -
Chemistry record of icecore BER11C95_25
A 181 m deep ice core drilled in 1994/95 on the south dome of Berkner Island, Antarctica, was analyzed for stable isotopes, major ions and microparticle concentrations. Samples... -
Sherman Island Rapid Access Isotope Drill sample data on depth and age scale:...
Ice samples were drilled from Sherman Island, coastal West Antarctica, using the British Antarctic Survey Rapid Access Isotope Drill (RAID). The dataset contains the top and... -
Chemistry on surface snow samples at Kohnen station for south summer 2001 and...
This dataset has no description
Chemical composition of fresh snow at Kohnen station for south summer 2001 an...
samples taken on a net 0.5 m above ground -
GRIP Ion Concentrations
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GISP2 F-core methane sulfonic acid concentrations
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GISP2 D-core methane sulfonic acid concentrations
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ATM aerosol concentrations around the GISP ice core site
Aerosol filter sampling was conducted during the summers of 1993 and 1994 at the solar powered remote atmospheric sampling site located 28 km southwest of the GISP2 camp... -
Aerosol chemical composition (major ions and iodine speciation) during the Tr...
Size segregated aerosol samples were collected during the Very short lived bromine compounds in the ocean and their transport pathways into the stratosphere (TransBrom) cruise... -
Aerosol soluble chemical composition for OASIS cruise (SO234/2 & SO235), Indi...
Size segregated aerosol samples were collected during the OASIS (“Organic very short lived substances and their Air Sea Exchange from the Indian Ocean to the Stratosphere”)... -
Measurements of aerosol particles during METEOR cruise M117
0 = below limit of detection