Modern planktic foraminifera assemblage from surface sediment samples used as...
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Age model, δ¹⁸O (G. bulloides, C. wuellerstorfi), δ¹³C (C. wuellerstorfi) of ...
For isotope datat of P. wuellerstorfi see Charles and Fairbanks (1992) dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.726257 -
Distribution of planktic foraminifera in surface sediments of the Atlantic Ocean
We present a data set of 738 planktonic foraminiferal species counts from sediment surface samples of the eastern North Atlantic and the South Atlantic between 87°N and 40°S,... -
Database of the GLAMAP project
A uniform chronology for foraminifera-based sea surface temperature records has been established in more than 120 sediment cores obtained from the equatorial and eastern... -
Expanded GHOST database
In this study we review a global set of alkenone- and foraminiferal Mg/Ca-derived sea surface temperatures (SST) records from the Holocene and compare them with a suite of... -
Organic carbon accumulation in the South Atlantic Ocean
A compilation of 1118 surface sediment samples from the South Atlantic was used to map modern seafloor distribution of organic carbon content in this ocean basin. Using new data... -
Global compilation of benthic data sets I
Approaches to quantify the organic carbon accumulation on a global scale generally do not consider the small-scale variability of sedimentary and oceanographic boundary... -
Global data compilation of benthic data sets II
In this study we present a global distribution pattern and budget of the minimum flux of particulate organic carbon to the sea floor (J POC alpha). The estimations are based on... -
Planktonic foraminiferal faunas from surface-sediment samples from the South ...
We present 30 new planktonic foraminiferal census data of surface sediment samples from the South China Sea, recovered between 630 and 2883 m water depth. These new data,... -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of benthic foraminifera
Carbon isotopic measurements on the benthic foraminiferal genus Cibicidoides document that mean deep ocean delta13C values were 0.46 per mil lower during the last glacial... -
Glacial North Atlantic: Sea surface conditions reconstructed by GLAMAP 2000
The response of the tropical ocean to global climate change and the extent of sea ice in the glacial nordic seas belong to the great controversies in paleoclimatology. Our new... -
Core top coccolithophore productivity compared to modern observations in the ...
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Core top chlorophyll concentration compared to modern observations in the eas...
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Core top alkenone (C37) data compared to modern observations in the eastern e...
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Core top sea surface temperature data compared to modern observations in the ...
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Distribution of planktic foraminifera in surface sediments in the northeaster...
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Summary of sediment core sites of water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific o...
Summary of sediment core sites including number of available data for each of the five proxies used. Data columns indicate the site name, longitude (lon, °E), latitude (lat,... -
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlant...
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. Data span the last 25 ka BP, comprise benthic stable carbon isotopes, (d13Cb),... -
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlant...
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. Data span the last 25 ka BP, comprise benthic stable carbon isotopes, (d13Cb),... -
(Table 1) Sea surface temperature reconstruction for eastern equatorial Pacif...
Significant uncertainties persist in the reconstruction of past sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific, especially regarding the amplitude of the glacial...