Zweitbefragung in der deutschen und französischen Schweiz zur Sicherheits- u...
The Swiss continue to have a strong general feeling of security in 2003. While they feel secure in their own country - with 82% in February and 88% in April calling themselves... -
PMP Sri Lanka - Main survey - Political participation module
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
Meinungsbild zur Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der Schweiz - 2005
Seit mehr als zehn Jahren führen die Dozentur für Militärsoziologie der Militärakademie an der ETH Zürich und die Forschungsstelle für Sicherheitspolitik der ETH Zürich in... -
PMP Palestine - Testimonies - Middle Region
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
PMP Burundi - Enquête en ligne exploratoire
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
PMP Burundi - Testimonies - Memories in exile
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
Meinungsbild zur Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der Schweiz - 2011
Seit 1989 führen die Dozentur für Militärsoziologie der Militärakademie an der ETH Zürich und das Center for Security Studies ETHZ in regelmässigen Abständen... -
PMP Palestine - Main survey - Main module
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
PMP Palestine - Pilots 1 & 2 - Political participation module
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
Sicherheit 2019. Aussen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitische Meinungsbi...
This survey is part of the study series "Security". This series of studies is based on a representative survey of security policy opinion-forming in Switzerland carried out in... -
PMP Sri Lanka - Main survey - Main module
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
Les voix de la guerre, pays témoins - 1999
Pour le 50ème anniversaire des Conventions de Genève et dans le cadre de sa politique pour une meilleure protection des victimes de conflits armés, le Comité international de la... -
PMP Palestine - Pilots 1 & 2 - Network module
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
Befragung der Schweizer Bevölkerung zu sicherheits- und verteidigungspolitisc...
Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, das Interesse für sicherheitspolitische Belange in der schweizerischen Bevölkerung zu ermitteln. Es wurde den Fragen nachgegangen, welche... -
Berlin before the 750-Year Celebration
Judgement on parties and politicians at federal and state level. Assessment of Berlin´s situation. Topics: political interest; intent to participate in the election for House... -
Crisis Monitor (Week 16/2024)
The Crisis Monitor has been conducted regularly by the opinion research institute forsa on behalf of the Press and Information Office of the German Federal Government since... -
Politbarometer 2023 (Cumulated Data Set)
The cumulative data set contains data on the topics listed below. While a core set of questions was asked in each survey, many other questions were only asked in a limited... -
Enquête standardisée sur les représentations de la guerre, Royaume-Uni - 2007
The ICRC wanted to replicate the People on War survey conducted in 17 countries in 1999 in the United Kingdom. This survey also marked the 30th anniversary of the Additional... -
Meinungsbild zur Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der Schweiz - 2008
Seit 1989 führen die Dozentur für Militärsoziologie der Militärakademie an der ETH Zürich und die Forschungsstelle für Sicherheitspolitik der ETH Zürich in regelmässigen... -
Meinungsbild zur Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der Schweiz - 2006
Since 1989, the Military Sociology Lectureship of the Military Academy at ETH Zurich and the Center for Security Studies of ETH Zurich have regularly carried out the...