96 datasets found

Keywords: asteroseismology

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  • Spectroscopy & Kepler data of the EB star V404 Lyr

    We present the first high-resolution spectra for the eclipsing binary V404Lyr showing {gamma}Dor pulsations, which we use to study its absolute properties. By fitting models to...
  • Asteroseismic parameters of RGB stars

    Every Sun-like star will eventually evolve into a red giant, a transition which can profoundly affect the evolution of a surrounding planetary system. The timescale of dynamical...
  • Binary system KIC 6629588 pulsations

    This work includes a comprehensive analysis of the Kepler detached eclipsing binary system KIC 6629588 that aims at the detailed study of the oscillation properties of its...
  • Seismic diff. between solar magnetic cycles 23/24

    Solar magnetic activity follows regular cycles of about 11 years with an inversion of polarity in the poles every ~22 years. This changing surface magnetism impacts the...
  • K2 asteroseismic KEYSTONE Sample. I.

    The KEYSTONE project aims to enhance our understanding of solar-like oscillators by delivering a catalogue of global asteroseismic parameters ({Delta}{nu} and {nu}max) for 173...
  • RGs Chromospheric indices from LAMOST spect.

    Previous studies have found that red giants (RGs) in close binary systems undergoing spin-orbit resonance exhibit an enhanced level of magnetic activity with respect to single...
  • delta Scuti stars in TESS cycle-4

    Over the last few years, delta Scuti stars have been at the center of the attention of the asteroseismology community thanks to the derivation of seismic indices connected to...
  • NGC 2516 members Surface modulation period

    Asteroseismic modelling of isolated stars presents significant challenges due to the difficulty in accurately determining stellar parameters, particularly the stellar age. These...
  • Asteroseismically calibrated ages for APOGEE DR17

    The formation history and evolution of the Milky Way through cosmological time is a complex field of research requiring the sampling of highly accurate stellar ages for all...
  • 8 solar-like pulsating stars

    The NASA K2 mission that succeeded the nominal Kepler mission observed several hundred thousand stars during its operations. While most of the stars were observed in single...
  • Solar-like oscillators catalogue

    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission has provided photometric light curves for stars across nearly the entire sky. This allows for the application of...
  • Southern short-period pulsating hot-subdwarf stars

    We present results of a Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) search for short-period pulsations in compact stellar objects observed in years 1 and 3 of the TESS mission,...
  • S-index for 3130 red giant stars

    According to dynamo theory, stars with convective envelopes efficiently generate surface magnetic fields, which manifest as magnetic activity in the form of starspots, faculae,...
  • FEROS spectroscopy of B-type stars

    Spectroscopic data are necessary to break degeneracies in asteroseismic modelling of the interior structure in high- and intermediate-mass stars. With the TESS mission, the...
  • Seismic global parameters of 2103 KIC

    The space-borne missions CoRoT and Kepler opened up a new opportunity for better understanding stellar evolution by probing stellar interiors with unrivalled high-precision...
  • OB stars TESS phot. & high-resolution spectroscopy

    Massive stars are predicted to excite internal gravity waves (IGWs) by turbulent core convection and from turbulent pressure fluctuations in their near-surface layers. These...
  • Variability of OB stars

    The lack of high-precision long-term continuous photometric data for large samples of stars has impeded the large-scale exploration of pulsational variability in the OB star...
  • delta Scuti stars with TESS

    Thanks to high-precision photometric data legacy from space telescopes like CoRoT and Kepler, the scientific community could detect and characterize the power spectra of...
  • Buoyancy radius of {gamma} Dor stars

    Helioseismology and asteroseismology of red giant stars have shown that distribution of angular momentum in stellar interiors, and the evolution of this distribution with time...
  • Radial velocity time series of HD 122563

    The nearby metal-poor giant HD122563 is an important astrophysical laboratory in which to test stellar atmospheric and interior physics. It is also a benchmark star for which to...
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