Stable isotope and pollen abundance data in Fern Gully Lagoon sediments
The datasets comprise stable isotope, pollen abundance and lipid biomarker data that we analysed in sediments from the Fern Gully Lagoon wetland (Latitude 27.4174°S, Longitude... -
Stable isotope, pollen abundance and lipid biomarker data in Fern Gully Lagoo...
The datasets comprise stable isotope, pollen abundance and lipid biomarker data that we analysed in sediments from the Fern Gully Lagoon wetland (Latitude 27.4174°S, Longitude... -
δDeuterium measurements of selected n-alkanes (corrected to the VSMOW scale) ...
This dataset provides delta-Deuterium data for the Lateglacial sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Hämelsee (Germany) in 2013. Compound-specific hydrogen isotope ratios... -
Oxygen and hydrogen isotope values of xylem water
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Oxygen and hydrogen isotope values of surface water
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Hydrogen isotope values of n-alkane leaf waxes extracted from plants and soils
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Carbon and nitrogen isotope values of bulk leaf material
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Total organic carbon, calcium carbonate and compound-specific δ2H on n-alkane...
Variations in the δ18O signals from lake sediments in the European Alps have been interpreted to reflect past temperature during the Late Glacial–Early Holocene transition due... -
Biomarker and XRF scanning data from IODP Site 350-U1437B: a study of paleoce...
Sediment core U1437B was drilled during International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 350 in 2014. The aim of this study was to infer information on the paleoclimatic and... -
Age, grain size, geochemical, paleontological,mineralogical and leaf-wax biom...
South Africa is a key region to reconstruct and understand past changes in atmospheric circulation, i.e. temperate Westerlies and tropical Easterlies. Here we present a new... -
Grain sizes and geochemistry of Holocene sediments in the Arabian Sea
The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) with its rainfall is the lifeline for people living on the Indian subcontinent today and possibly was the driver of the rise and fall of early... -
Lipid biomarker and bulk organic matter concentrations and carbon and hydroge...
The data set contains lipid biomarker and bulk organic matter data from two sediment cores in the Shaban Deep, in the northern Red Sea. One core is deposited in the hypersaline... -
Bulk characteristics, lipid quantification and compound-specific carbon isoto...
The Arctic is undergoing accelerated changes in response to ongoing modifications to the climate system, and there is a need for local to regional scale records of past climate... -
Grain sizes distribution of sediment core SO90_63KA
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n-Alkane content in sediment core SO90_63KA
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Lithogenic accumulation rates of sediment core SO90_63KA
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SST reconstruction for sediment core SO90_63KA
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(Table 1) Sample information and stable hydrogen isotope composition of long-...
WMA: Weighted mean average stable hydrogen isotope composition (WMA).Standard deviation: 1 Sigma.a: Analysed sediment interval in cm below sea floor.b: Number of replicate... -
Elemental ratios (Ba/Al and Al/Ca) from IODP Site 350-U1437
Selected elemental ratios (Ba/Al and Al/Ca*1000) calculated from individual element abundances in counts per second (cps) as measured via X-ray fluorescence (XRF)-scanning of... -
Fractional abundances of biomarkers from IODP Hole 350-U1437B
The dataset comprises fractional abundances of individual isoprenoid and branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) and C37 alkenones of samples from the past 1 Ma...