Raw pollen counts from IODP Site 353-U1446, Bay of Bengal
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Palynology counting from Lago Formoso sediments in Maranhão State, northeaste...
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Pollen percentage for the surface transect from the New Mongolian-Siberian Da...
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Pollen, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs dataset for the Lake Maloye Yarovo...
TRSH - Trees and shrubsUPHE - Upland herbsAQVP - Aquatic pollenVACR - Vascular CryptogamsAQBR- Aquatic Bryophytes -
Pollen, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs dataset for the Lake Kuchuk sedime...
TRSH - Trees and shrubsUPHE - Upland herbsAQVP - Aquatic pollenVACR - Vascular CryptogamsAQBR- Aquatic Bryophytes -
Pollen and spores of IODP Site 361-U1479
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Pollen composition of Lake Relem sediment core, northern Patagonia
To process the pollen and macro-charcoal from the sediment samples, we followed Bennett and Willis (2002), and Withlock and Larsen (2002) protocols. We took 176 pollen samples... -
Percentage of pollen and spores in core STP18-03 (Miryang region, Korean peni...
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Pollen and spores count in core STP18-03 (Miryang region, Korean peninsula)
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Modern pollen percentages along the Songpinggou River, eastern Qinghai-Tibeta...
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Pollen counts of sediment core Colonia_CO14
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Pollen counts of sediment core Colonia_CO3
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Pollen record of sediment core Co1260 from Lake Dojran
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(Appendix 1) Pollen and spores abundance in surface sediment of Liaodong Bay ...
A minimum of 200 pollen grains (excluding spores) were counted for each sample. All of the pollen percentages (i.e. relative abundances) were calculated on the basis of the... -
(Appendix 1) Pollen and spores percentage in surface sediment of Liaodong Bay...
A minimum of 200 pollen grains (excluding spores) were counted for each sample. All of the pollen percentages (i.e. relative abundances) were calculated on the basis of the... -
(Table 1) Spores and pollen abundances of the Miocene Stetten section (Austria)
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Miocene micro and macro floras from 48 samples of Southern China
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Fig. 14: Pollen analysis on sediment core MD97-2130
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Fig. 13: Pollen analysis on sediment core MD97-2129
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Pollen analysis of surface sediments off northwest Africa
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