110102-38 Grurup
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1877 :... -
141101-188 Ringelmose Skov
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 2008-02-11:... -
141101-186 Ringelmose Skov
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
140203-47 Feldballe Plantage
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
141004-52 Løvenholm Østerskov
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
141004-50 Eldrup Skov
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
141001-65 Tårup Skov
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
141001-61 Tårup Skov
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :... -
110613-192 Tvolm
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1943 :... -
060107-63 Stendansen
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1877 :... -
020216-32A Store Hareskov/Afd. 190
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1987-05-11:... -
170502-41 Bystedvej
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: Randsten? 0000... -
060403-67 Skovholm
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 2008-04-08:... -
140702-88 Lammehøjgård
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1987 : Over... -
140106-4 Brokhøj
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: Langhøj med 2... -
210104-101 Stensbæk Plantage
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1986-11-03:... -
070203-71 Nørre Mellemskov
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1880 : (3)... -
070601-18 Laagerup
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1855 : En... -
070601-19 Laagerup
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1954 :... -
070108-8 Nebøllegård Skov
This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1984-10-11:...