Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile... -
Superconductivity and magnetism in novel iron-based superconductors
Magnetism and superconductivity compete and coexist in many of the high temperature superconductors, and the newly discovered iron arsenides are no exception. Muon-spin rotation... -
Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile... -
Multiferroicity in metal-formate perovskites
Recent work has revealed that metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can also exhibit this multiferroicity. These materials are particularly interesting since their structures are... -
Short-range magnetic correlations in Er(Ni,Cu)Al
The intermetallic alloys RNiAl and RCuAl have been of high interest for several years. They crystallize in the hexagonal structure (ZrNiAl-type) and form various and complicated... -
Anti-ferromagnetic ordering in the super-oxygenated (La,Sr)2CuO4+y supercondu...
We have obtained a LSCOO x = 0.06 single crystal where neutron diffraction shows field induced anti-ferromagnetic order with an onset field in the range 0-1T and increasing... -
Spin excitations in RbFe2F6 ¿ A possible S=5/2 Kagome lattice?
We propose to investigate the spin fluctuations in a candidate S=5/2 Kagome lattice. Previous neutron diffraction has found that RbFe2F6 maybe a good realization of a Kagome... -
Multistage magnetic transitions in the coupled trimer system Ba4NbMn3O12
During the past decades, weakly coupled spin cluster systems have attracted much attention due to the possibility of observing concomitantly zero-dimensional quantum and... -
Electric field dependence of the crossover from band to thermally assisted tr...
Organic semiconductors have been of major interest in recent years. Amplified by the transition from fundamental physics to new commercial products and technologies, this new... -
The role of Ti-doping on hydrogen desorption temperature in LiAlH4 and NaAlH4
Fuel-cell cars are expected to be an ultimate solution for accommodating clean environments with convenient personal transport system. In order to make fuel-cell cars more... -
Disorder and ion mobility in Li4BH4(NH2)3 and Li2BH4NH2
Hydrogen storage is a significant area of energy materials research and there have been extensive efforts into the discovery and development of lightweight materials. Although... -
Spin dynamics in pyrochlore Nd2Mo2O7
Most of Nd-pyrochlores show all-in-all-out long-ranged order ground state at low temperatures. Recently unconventional slow spin dynamics are reported in the paramagnetic state... -
Spin dynamics in disordered La(Cr1/3Mn1/3Fe1/3)O3 perovskite.
Disorder of magnetic cations usually suppresses long-range spin order: the Curie or Néel temperature drops rapidly, and a spin glass state often results at high disorder levels.... -
Magnetic order in weakly coupled molecular magnetic systems
Two molecular magnetic systems are considered which show low-temperature ordered states. One of them is F4BImNN, a nitronyl nitroxide radical magnet, an excellent realization of... -
Musr study of non-Fermi-liquid behaviour in the layered quasi-2D compound: Ce...
: Recently it has been reported from specific heat, resistivity, and susceptibility measurements that CeRh2Ga exhibits very interesting NFL behaviour. The specific heat divided... -
Impurity-induced frustration in La2CuO4
We plan to investigate by means of zero-field muSR the doping dependence of the sublatticemagnetization in La2Cu1-xZnxO4 and in La2Cu1-xMgxO4. In both systems Cu2+ S=1/2 spins... -
Separating static and dynamic contributions to the muon relaxation in Ca3(Co,...
Ca3CoMnO6 has alternating ions in ferromagnetic Ising chains that are antiferromagnetically coupled on a triangular lattice and realizes an important model in frustrated... -
Muon-spin rotation study of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth of \refraof
This is an extention of the previous proposal (RB920385), which was awarded 7 days.The experiment has not been performed yet (scheduled in November), but we forsee... -
Relaxation plateau in the breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnet LiIn0.05Ga0.95...
In physics, frustration describes a situation where a system is unable to satisfy all of its internal interactions because of the geometry of its atomic structure. The most... -
muSR study of magnetic correlations in a novel spin frustrated system: Li3Mg2...
The new compound Li3Mg2RuO6 exhibits interesting structural and magnetic properties. The Ru5+ sublattice is intrinsically frustrated : chains, along various [110] directions, of...