The NCS study of the hydrogen sublattice in the Pd-doped HxWO3 tungsten bronze
The hydrogen tungsten bronzes HxWO3 are promising materials because of their potential applications in hydrogen technology. Their potential applications are related to the... -
Residual stress characterisation of flow formed Super CMV steel tubes for pot...
The purpose of the present work is to measure residual stresses at large depths from the surface of flow formed tubes made of a Super CMV steel that has significantly higher... -
Isotopic Characterisation of Pore Surface Chemistry in Monolithic MCM-41 Subs...
Porous materials impregnated with metal nanoparticles are extremely useful in catalysis, an industry that had a global turnover in 2010 of over three trillion dollars.... -
Structural Investigations of FePt Nanoparticle-Surfactant Systems
This proposal is intended to further the measurements required for the full structural investigation of binary alloy FePt nanoparticles (NPs) and the surrounding surfactant... -
muSR studies of expanded fullerides across the superconductivity dome
FCC Cs3C60 can be driven to a bulk superconducting state without symmetry change by the application of pressure. Its Tc passes through a maximum of 35 K at 6 kbar. We have been... -
What processes dominate porosity and structure evolution in Amorphous Solid W...
This experiment will measure the microstructure of Amorphous Solid Water (ASW), a porous material that can be formed by vapour-depositing water onto a cold plate, an excellent... -
Protein Adsorption at the PDMS Oil/Water Interface
Neutron reflection has been successfully used to measure the conformation of proteins adsorbed at the oil/water interface. However, in several such experiments, hexadecane has... -
How is the nanoscale structure of Amorphous Solid Water (ASW) impacted by the...
This experiment will determine how the structure and porosity of Amorphous Solid Water (ASW) changes when the ice is contaminated by adsorbate molecules. ASW is a porous... -
In-situ Hydrogenation of Calcium Nitride
Nitrides of alkali and alkaline earth metals are an interesting set of materials specifically for their potential in reversible hydrogen storage. However, many fundamental... -
Towards the development of carbonitrides as novel two-stage regenerable reage...
We are examining a number of cobalt-molybdenum carbonitrides as possible catalysts for reactions that produce nitrogen-containing organic molecules. There is good evidence that... -
Simultaneous Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy and Neutron Diffraction to Mon...
With appropriate storage materials, ammonia has great potential as a fuel. We propose to use a novel piece of equipment, which combines microwave and neutron diffraction... -
Interfacial / surface retention / delivery of perfumes from different surface...
This proposal is part of a funded (CASE) project, aimed at understanding the delivery of benefit actives (perfumes) to interfaces and the development of new self-assembled... -
Characterization of heterogeneous solvent structure in a carbon capture fluid
We propose to use neutron scattering experiments to gain molecular level insight into an intriguing liquid structure observed in a water-free CO2-capture solvent. Switchable... -
In situ studies on hydride diffusion and exchange in alkaline earth hydrides ...
Thermogravimetric analysis on alkaline earth hydrides in St Andrews has revealed a remarkably fast exchange of deuterium and hydrogen by alkaline earth hydrides at relatively... -
In situ study of stainless steel martensitic transformation at cryogenic temp...
The mechanical properties of of austenitic stainless steels are thought to be improved by the phenomenon of deformation-induced martensitic transformation, which acts to... -
V plate 3mm SC Pos 0 25C Jaws 30x30mm2 Beam Scraper 30mm diameter
This dataset has no description
First experiment with a pulsed field magnet at ISIS or how to break the 15T b...
We propose to use a pulsed magnet system tried and tested at several neutron and synchrotron facilities in conjunction with the new high flux diffractometer WISH to perform the... -
Control of oil exchange dynamics in microemulsions by amphiphilic copolymers
A very important property of O/W microemulsions is the exchange dynamics of the oil molecules. So far little is know about that, despite the fact that its control is crucial for... -
Heterogeneous hydrogenation in continuous flow followed by NMR and total neut...
It has been estimated that 80-90 % of chemical processes use catalysis in at least one step of the production process. Their use increases the energy efficiency of the process... -
Development of an in vitro media perfusion model of Leishmania major macropha...
Influence of the rate of flow (of culture medium) on infection of macrophage cells by L. major promastigotes Phagocytosis of fluorescent latex beads and macropinocytosis of...