Zooplankton biomass and abundance in Estonian territorial waters 1993-2016
Zooplankton dataset contains data on the species composition, biomass and abundance of meso- and merozooplankton groups. The data are gathered during the Estonian national... -
Gelatinous zooplankton in the Belgian part of the North Sea and the adjacent ...
Many ocean ecosystems ar ethought to be heading towards a domiance of gelatinous organisms. However, gelatinous zooplakton has been largely understudied and the absence of... -
Temporal evolution of zooplankton by Juday-Bogorov net in the Northwestern Me...
The Observatoire of Villefranche sur Mer supports the daily sampling of zooplankton since 1966 at a time series station located at the entrancy of the Bay of Villefranche sur... -
Benthos collected in the Azov Sea during several expeditions in 1934-1935
The data were collected in the Azov Sea during expeditions in 1934 and 1935 on board of R/V “Danilevskiy”. This dataset contains abundance data (individuals per m²) and biomass... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >200 micrometres, collected ...
The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses... -
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Crustacea Collection (Crustacea)
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Crustacea collection contains 30806 digitised specimens over 1411 taxa (mostly species). This dataset only contains the marine... -
Meiobenthic community in the Westerschelde estuary between 1977 and 1979
Data on quantitative aspects of the meiofauna community in the Westerschelde estuary such as density, biomass, diversity and community structure. The data were digitized by VLIZ... -
Study of epibenthos and demersal fish in and around the aniline discharge are...
Presence and density data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in and around the aniline discharge area between 1982 and 1984 and comparison of the spring sampling data with... -
Collection Porifera SMF
The Porifera collection is part of the SeSAM collections of Senckenberg which combines all collections held at the Senckenberg Natutal History Museum of Frankfurt. This... -
Dictyotales (Phaeophyta) of Kenya and Tanzania sampled between 1985 and 1994
List of species of the Dictyotales (Phaeophyta) and corresponding herbarium vouchers sampled between 1985 and 1994 in Kenya and Tanzania. The algae were sampled by walking and... -
Nematoda from Kenya and Zanzibar
Data on the species and trophic composition of the nematode community in coral degradation zones in Kenya and Zanzibar. -
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea during the 33rd cruise of the R...
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea during 33 cruise of the R/V "Professor Kolesnikov" and processed by Lyudmila Georgieva -
Dutch long term monitoring of phytoplankton in the Dutch Continental Economic...
Long term measurements of phytoplankton composition in the Dutch national part of the North Sea. Samples were taken 12 - 24 times per year between 2000 and 2018 and analysed to... -
Meiofauna and nematodes from the Atacama Slope and Trench
The meiofaunal abundance, biomass, community structure and nematode diversity were investigated in relation to the spatial distribution of the potential food sources in the... -
Meiofauna of the Ligurian Sea
The hypothesis that, temporal variation in nematode abundance, community composition and trophic structure is coupled with changes in the quantity and quality of their potential... -
Zooplankton studies at a fixed station (West-Hinder) in the North Sea between...
Temporal variation in the zooplankton community sampled at a fixed station, West-Hinder, between March 1977 and December 1979. The data are digitized from technical reports in... -
Offshore nematodes from Rame and in microcosm experiment (exposure to metals)
Experimental data - nematode data from microcosms dosed with three levels of contaminants (Cu, Zn, Cd,Pb) plus controls and initial field samples. -
Study of epifauna and meiobenthos using field exclusion experiments in a Ceri...
Abiotic parameters and densities of meiofauna taxa at several depths in the cages, partial cages and blanco's of an <i>Avicennia marina</i> and <i>Ceriops... -
Macrobenthos and Phytoplankton monitoring in the Belgian coastal zone in the ...
Phytoplankton biomonitoring of the Belgian continental zone performed in the light of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The aim of this project is to develop a... -
Arqueomonitor project: Abundance of the Bucentaure and Fougueux shipwrecks be...
This dataset contains abundance data of the benthic community around the shipwrecks Bucentaure and Fougueux, in the Cadiz Bay, Spain during 2012-2013 within the framework of the...