(Table 1) Mg/Ca ratios of Cibicidoides pachyderma and age determination of co...
The recent development of foraminiferal Mg/Ca as a paleotemperature proxy has enabled the extraction of global ice volume and local salinity from the more traditional... -
(Table 1) Age determination of sediment core MD02-2589
Sortable silt mean grain sizes together with oxygen and carbon isotopic data produced on the benthic foraminiferal species Fontbotia wuellerstorfi are used to construct... -
(Table 1) Age determination of sediment core LINK17
A number of short-lasting warm periods (interstadials) interrupted the otherwise cold climate of the last glacial period. These events are supposedly linked to the inflow of the... -
The effects of growth phase and salinity on the hydrogen isotopic composition...
The isotopic fractionation of hydrogen during the biosynthesis of alkenones produced by marine haptophyte algae has been shown to depend on salinity and, as such, the hydrogen... -
(Table 1) Age determination of composite sediment record LO09-14
A sediment core from Reykjanes Ridge has been studied at 10- to 50-year time resolution to document variability of Holocene surface water conditions in the western North... -
(Table 1) Age determination of sediment core MD01-2430
Sediments deposited under lacustrine and marine conditions in the Sea of Marmara hold a Late Quaternary record for water exchange between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean... -
(Table S1) Age determination of sediment core MD02-2550C2
During the last deglaciation, Greenland ice core and North Atlantic sediment records exhibit multiple abrupt climate events including the Younger Dryas cold episode (12.9-11.7... -
(Table S1) Age determination of sediment core MD99-2251
Evidence from a North Atlantic deep-sea sediment core reveals that the largest climatic perturbation in our present interglacial, the 8200-year event, is marked by two distinct... -
(Table S1) Age determination of sediment core KNR166-2_51
Previous studies showed that sea surface salinity (SSS) in the Florida Straits as well as Florida Current transport covaried with changes in North Atlantic climate over the past... -
Impact of salinity and growth phase on alkenone distributions in coastal hapt...
Batch cultures of Isochrysis galbana (strain CCMP 1323) and Chrysotila lamellosa (strain CCMP 1307) were grown at salinity ca. 10 to ca. 35 and the alkenone distributions... -
Radiocarbon calibration uncertainties for tree-ring chronologie Palughetto_P317
Note that in addition to the stated uncertainties the GICC05 counting error applies. However, as shown in figure 5, this error is likely overestimated for the investigated... -
Radiocarbon calibration uncertainties for tree-ring chronologie Palughetto_P305u
Note that in addition to the stated uncertainties the GICC05 counting error applies. However, as shown in figure 5, this error is likely overestimated for the investigated... -
Radiocarbon calibration uncertainties for tree-ring chronologie Avigliana_A15
Note that in addition to the stated uncertainties the GICC05 counting error applies. However, as shown in figure 5, this error is likely overestimated for the investigated... -
Falkland Islands Peatland basal dates
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(Table 1) Age determination of sediment core PC17
We have investigated glacial-interglacial differences in sea surface temperature (SST) near Hawaii using two relatively high deposition rate, shallow-water piston cores... -
Archaeobotanical analyses of kitchen waste of Jever Castle, 17th/18th century...
During restoration works in the castle of Jever, Lower Saxony, a hidden niche in the former kitchen wall was found filled-up with wate material: botanical remains, bones,... -
(Tables 9) Sulphur isotope data from the Tersang gold deposit
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