Crystal field and magnetic excitations of the non-centrosymmetric heavy-fermi...
Several non-centrosymmetric heavy-fermion compounds have been reported to exhibit unconventional superconductivity (SC). For example, both CeRhSi3 and CeIrSi3 order... -
Neutron scattering investigation of spin-dynamics in the S= 1/2 trimer chain ...
Spin-trimer chain systems are of current interest due to unconventional properties arising from the strong quantum fluctuations and topology, such as, quantum phenomenon of... -
Magnetic excitations in Ca3(Ru[1-x]Ti[x])2O7: Investigating the role of SOC i...
With this experiment we aim to investigate the role of spin orbit coupling (SOC) in 4d transition metal oxides.In previous inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the parent... -
Magnetic excitations of SrV10O15
Recently, new type of frustrated magnets, BaV10O15 and SrV10O15, were found to exhibit interesting phenomena due to mixed valence ions forming a modified triangular lattice.... -
Ligand-field characterization and U-Pt bonding in uranium-based heterometalli...
We propose to investigate the magnetic excitation spectra of tetravalent uranium ions in two isostructural, one-dimesional chains made up by aligned UM2 units, with M = Pt and... -
Investigating potential high energy crystal field levels in ErNiAl4
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Meta-orbital transition in CeRh2Si2
Magnetic quantum critical points (QCPs) in strongly correlated electron systems, i.e. continuous phase transitions at absolute zero temperature, considerably attract both... -
Investigation of the singlet ground states in PrT2Ga8 (T=Fe, Co) compounds
We are interested in investigating the nature of the ground states in the two titled compounds. Based on theoretical predictions, no magnetic ordering is expected in these... -
Lattice dynamics study of filled-skutterudite compounds: RPt4Ge12 (R=Ba, La a...
The appearance of non-dispersive Einstein (¿rattling¿) modes, known as the phonon-glass paradigm in filled-skutterudite compounds, has been postulated as an origin of the high... -
Magnetic excitations at the critical pseudogap point, p=0.19, in La2-xSrxCuO4
We propose to measure the spin excitation spectrum in cuprate superconductor, La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) at x=0.19. Our aim is to resolve the doping dependence of the 18 meV spin... -
Effect of electron and hole doping on the spin gap formation in Kondo insulat...
CeFe2Al10 belongs to the CeT2Al10 family (T: Ru, Os, Fe), which exhibits Kondo-insulator properties, with an unusual competition of strongly anisotropic crystal-field and... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering study on PrRhSn3
Recently we have investigated the cubic compound PrRhSn3 using the dc and ac susceptibilities and the heat capacity. We found an evidence for the cluster-glass behavior with a... -
Magnetic excitations in the S=1/2 ferromagnetic semiconductor Lu2V2O7
Lu2V2O7 is a rare example of an S=1/2 pyrochlore. The fact that it is a ferromagnet with Tc=70 K belies the fact that it has some truly remarkable properties. These include the... -
Kond scale of CeRh1-xIrxIn5 with x= 0, 0.25, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 and 1
The non conventional d-wave superconductivity in Heavy Fermion compounds seems to be triggered by spin fluctuations, which is in strong contrast to conventional... -
Crystal electric field splitting in the quantum spin liquid candidate NaYbS2.
NaYbS2 is yet unexplored material which crystallizes in the delafossite structure with general formula ABX2. The magnetic ions Yb3+ form perfect triangular layers separated by... -
Quantum spin dynamics in molecular based triangular antiferromagnet Li2AMo3O8...
Recently new molecular based magnets Li2AMo3O8 (A = In and Sc), where Mo3O8 clusters form S = 1/2 triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet, were synthesized.... -
A current hot topic in correlated electron physics is the magnetic phase diagram resulting from competing Kondo and RKKY interactions with magnetic frustration. One interesting... -
Magnetic excitations in honeycomb ruthenate Na2RuO3
Honeycomb magnets with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) are expect to produce exotic magnetic ground states as exemplified by d5 iridates with Jeff = 1/2 state. In d4 case, SOC... -
Test of FERNS CCR at low temperatures on MERLIN
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Spin excitations in Rb0.8Fe1.7Se2-xTex with Tc=20K
The alkaline iron selenide RbFe1.6+xSe2 superconductors are a new system of iron-based superconductor with Tc up to 32K. According to recent experimental results, the...