Tertiary Education Opportunities for Refugees: MORE - Experiences and Insight...
Reduced edition for public use. Full edition available for scientific use. Universities Austria organized the MORE-initiative to support refugees, if they aspire to study in... -
Collective Identities in Austrian Border Areas 2002
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Face-to-face interview -
Ausländer/Integration 2004
Thema: Ausländer, Integration Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Integration of Immigrants in Austria 2001
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Austrian National Identity 1995
No abstract available Probability: Cluster: Stratified random Face-to-face interview -
Foreigners Referendum 1992
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Knowledge and Attitudes of Viennese about Kurdish Immigrants 2004
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
REMINDER: Short Term Media Analysis on Migration 2017-2018 (OA edition)
Full edition for public use. The principle of free movement allows citizens of the European Union (EU) to cross EU borders to live, work, or travel in other EU member states. It... -
Ausländer/Asylanten 1991
Thema: Ausländer, Asylanten Probability Interview -
REMINDER Integrated Multilevel Database on Migration in the EU: Flows, Impact...
Full edition for public use. The REMINDER Integrated Multilevel Database on Migration in the EU brings together cross-national public opinion data and statistics related to... -
Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism 1991
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Immigration and Migration in Vienna 2006
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Popular Petition on Foreigners 1992-1993 (1992-12-07 - 1993-01-27)
Topic: Monitoring popular petition on foreigners Probability Interview -
Data from the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) and St...
This Thematic Collection contains links to the datasets of the Stichting Arab-West Foundation (AWF), in The Netherlands in close cooperation with the Center for Intercultural... -
A Survey of Dutch Retirement Migrants Abroad
A survey of Dutch retirement migrants aged 66+ living abroad based on a national probability sample and a comparison group of non-migrants aged 66+ based on a national survey in... -
Arab-West Report Papers 2007 - 2016
The dataset contains papers written between 2007 and 2016 by researchers and interns at the Center for Arab-West Understanding ( CAWU) in Cairo or by researchers and academics... -
Enquêtes-ménages sur les Perceptions climatiques et sur les Intentions migrat...
Les conséquences des changements environnementaux sur les mobilités humaines sont des enjeux majeurs du réchauffement climatique. L’Afrique sub-saharienne est en première ligne... -
Thüringen-Monitor 2000-2023
The Thüringen-Monitor is a representative population survey on political culture in the Free State of Thuringia that has been held annually since 2000. It contains fixed and... -
Migrant Integration Policy Index
The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is a unique tool which measures policies to integrate migrants in countries across fifty six continents, including all EU Member... -
Antisemitismus bei Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden in Deutschland: Zur Bedeu...
Es werden Ergebnisse von Online Befragungen einer repräsentativen Einwohner-meldeamtsstichprobe von n=3 270 jungen Menschen im Alter von 16 bis 21 Jahren zur Verbreitung...