9-28 d of exposure to elevated pCO2 reduces avoidance of predator odour but h...
Most studies on the impact of near-future levels of carbon dioxide on fish behaviour report behavioural alterations, wherefore abnormal behaviour has been suggested to be a... -
Colony-specific investigations reveal highly variable responses among individ...
As anthropogenic climate change is an ongoing concern, scientific investigations on its impacts on coral reefs are increasing. Although impacts of combined ocean acidification... -
Responses of three tropical seagrass species to CO2 enrichment
Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to ocean acidification and carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment of seawater. Given the important ecological functions of seagrass meadows,... -
Iron limitation modulates ocean acidification effects on southern ocean phyto...
The potential interactive effects of iron (Fe) limitation and Ocean Acidification in the Southern Ocean (SO) are largely unknown. Here we present results of a long-term... -
Physiological responses of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana to incr...
We studied the effects of elevated CO2 concentration and seawater acidity on inorganic carbon acquisition, photoinhibition and photoprotection as well as growth and respiration... -
Motility of Amphistegina lobifera throughout the high trial experiment
This dataset captures foraminiferal motility during the High Trial experiment. It documents the number of Amphistegina lobifera individuals attached to the culturing jar walls... -
Motility of Amphistegina lobifera throughout the 6-week BEA experiment
This dataset records the motility of the foraminifera species Amphistegina lobifera observed over the 6-week Menthol Concentration Comparison (MCC) experiment. It includes data... -
Motility of Amphistegina lobifera throughout the 4-week BEA experiment
This dataset records the motility of the foraminifera species Amphistegina lobifera observed over the 4-week Bleaching Ecophysiology Assessment (BEA) experiment. It includes... -
Growth and mortality data of the foraminifera and the file names of images
This dataset contains size measurements from the Bleaching Ecophysiology Assessment (BEA) experiment, recording the maximum diameter increase inferred from growth images of... -
Files names of the images and videos recorded at the microscope from the Blea...
This dataset contains epifluorescence images of individual foraminifera Sorites orbiculus and Amphistegina lobifera subjected to menthol and control treatments at both initial... -
Growth rate of Arctic kelps
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C/N concentration of Arctic kelps
This dataset has no description
Chlorophyll a concentration of Arctic kelps
This dataset has no description
Weathering indicators according to earthworm presence and survival in an arti...
The dataset consists of measurements of weathering indicators according to earthworm presence and survival. Data was collected within the BAM! project (Bio-Accelerated Mineral... -
Factors governing earthworm survival and activity in an artificial organo-min...
The dataset consists of a list of treatments and relative variables that were varied in an artificial organo-mineral system according to earthworm activity and survival. Data... -
Tree data set from forest inventories in north-eastern Siberia - Tree heights
The data set presents more than 32,000 of about 40,000 trees, which were surveyed during several Russian-German expeditions by the North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk and... -
Tree data set from forest inventories in north-eastern Siberia - Tree measure...
The data set presents more than 12,000 of about 40,000 trees, which were surveyed during several Russian-German expeditions by the North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk and... -
Copepod prosome length in the southern Benguela upwelling system during Meteo...
This dataset has no description
Copepod respiration in the southern Benguela upwelling system during METEOR c...
This dataset has no description
Copepod length-dry mass relationships in the southern Benguela upwelling syst...
This dataset has no description