Taxa specific macrofauna biomass in the HAUSGARTEN area (Fram Strait) in 2015...
During PS93.2 (in 2014) taxa specific macrofauna biomass was determined. Sediment from MUC recovered sediment cores and from the benthic chambers was used for macrofauna... -
Taxa specific macrofauna biomass in the HAUSGARTEN area (Fram Strait) in 2014...
During PS85 (in 2014) taxa specific macrofauna biomass was determined. Sediment from MUC recovered sediment cores and from the benthic chambers was used for macrofauna... -
Bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna density and macrofauna biomass in the HAUS...
During PS93.2 (in 2015) bacteria density, meiofauna density, macrofauna density and macrofauna biomass was determined. For the bacterial density determination, sediment... -
Bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna density and macrofauna biomass in the HAUS...
During PS85 in 2014 bacteria density, meiofauna density, macrofauna density and macrofauna biomass was determined. For the bacterial density determination, sediment subsamples... -
Macrozoobenthos biomass in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surround...
40 stations have been sampled with a box corer (0.02 m² surface area, 6 replicates per station) and sieved through 1 mm meshes. The residual fauna was fixed in buffered... -
Hydrochemistry at time series station Helgoland Roads, North Sea, in 2013
Data contact: Karen Wiltshire (karen.wiltshire@awi.de); analyzed by Kristine Carstens -
Composition of seaweed clumps off Sylt, northern Wadden Sea, Germany
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(Table 1) Salpa thompsoni abundance and biomass in the Eastern Bellingshausen...
Only stations with salp catches are listed. Excretion rates were assumed to be 34.8 % in the Eastern Bellinghausen Sea. Potential carbon flux via salp pellets was calculated by... -
(Table 1) Particulate organic nitrogen and carbon concentration, seston abund...
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Nematoda biomass in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8
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Nematoda biomass in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-2
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Nematoda biomass in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3
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Phytoplankton group chlorophyll a concentration determined with HPLC pigments...
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Shallow water macrofauna biomass from three stations at Potter Cove, King Geo...
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(Fig. 3) Vertical distribution of average nematode biomasses in surface sedim...
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Hydrochemistry at time series station Helgoland Roads, North Sea, in 2012
Data contact: Karen Wiltshire (karen.wiltshire@awi.de); analyzed by Kristine Carstens -
Distribution of algal aggregates and characteristics of sea ice stations inve...
Nutrients were analyzed in an air-conditioned lab container with a Technicon TRAACS 800, continuous flow auto analyzer. Measurements were made simultaneously on four channels:... -
Benthic megafauna abundance in deep sea (Central Arctic) collected during POL...
Data were gained by analyzing video and photos generated during OFOS surveys. -
Primary production, phytoplankton, diatoms, and chlorophyll a concentrations ...
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Biomass of in- and epibenthic invertebrate macrofauna in the German Bight at ...
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