1,015 datasets found

Keywords: globular star clusters

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  • NGC 6712 variable stars VI light curves

    We present an analysis of VI CCD time-series photometry of globular cluster NGC 6712. Our main goal is to study the variable star population as indicators of the cluster mean...
  • Super star clusters of M82's disk

    We present the structural parameters of 99 super star clusters (SSCs) in the disc of M82. Moffat-EFF, King, and Wilson models were fitted using a {chi}^2^-minimization method to...
  • APOGEE southern GCs with the BACCHUS code

    We investigate the Fe, C, N, O, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ce, and Nd abundances of 2283 red giant stars in 31 globular clusters from high-resolution spectra observed in both the...
  • Globular clusters in NGC 5907's stellar stream

    We study the globular clusters (GCs) in the spiral galaxy NGC 5907 well-known for its spectacular stellar stream - to better understand its origin. Using wide-field...
  • Globular clusters in the inner Galaxy

    Globular clusters (GCs) are the most ancient stellar systems in the Milky Way. Therefore, they play a key role in the understanding of the early chemical and dynamical evolution...
  • Correlations in unbound star trajectories

    Scattering events with compact objects are expected in the primordial black hole (PBH) cold dark matter (CDM) scenario, due to close encounters between stars and PBHs in the...
  • Exoplanets & variable stars in 47 Tuc field

    The TESS mission will survey ~85 per cent of the sky, giving us the opportunity of extracting high-precision light curves of millions of stars, including stellar cluster...
  • Radii of the Milky Way globular clusters

    We report on the extent of the effects of the Milky Way gravitational field in shaping the structural parameters and internal dynamics of its globular cluster population. We...
  • Gaia DR2 parallax of globular clusters

    We have established a mixture model approach to derive the parallax of the MilkyWay globular clusters. It avoids the problem of cluster membership determination and provides a...
  • No evidence for IMBHs in {omega} Cen/NGC6624

    We compare the results of a large grid of N-body simulations with the surface brightness and velocity dispersion profiles of the globular clusters {omega} Cen and NGC 6624. Our...
  • Globular clusters members with Gaia DR2

    In this work, we present a method to identify possible members of globular clusters using data from Gaia DR2. The method consists of two stages: the first one based on a...
  • Spectroscopic observations on M4 AGB stars

    Several recent spectroscopic investigations have presented conflicting results on the existence of Na-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Galactic globular cluster M...
  • Nearby dwarf galaxy in Magellanic bridge

    We report the discovery of a nearby dwarf galaxy in the constellation of Hydrus, between the Large (LMC) and the Small Magellanic Clouds (SMC). Hydrus 1 is a mildly elliptical...
  • 233 X-ray sources in omega Centauri

    We identify 233 X-ray sources, of which 95 are new, in a 222ks exposure of omega Centauri with the Chandra X-ray Observatory's Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer detector. The...
  • Milky Way globular clusters data

    We have determined masses, stellar mass functions, and structural parameters of 112 Milky Way globular clusters by fitting a large set of N-body simulations to their velocity...
  • AGB subpopulations in NGC 6397

    It has been well established that Galactic Globular clusters (GCs) harbour more than one stellar population, distinguishable by the anticorrelations of light-element abundances...
  • Photometric study of globular clusters

    In this paper, we describe the photometric and spectroscopic properties of multiple populations in seven northern globular clusters. In this study, we employ precise...
  • Stroemgren photometry of M13

    We present a photometric study of M13 multiple stellar populations over a wide field of view, covering approximately 6.5 half-light radii, using archival Isaac Newton Telescope...
  • Orbital parameters of globular clusters

    We present a study of the effects of collisional dynamics on the formation and detectability of cold tidal streams. A semi-analytical model for the evolution of the stellar mass...
  • M28 red giant branch stars abundances

    We present the abundance analysis for a sample of 17 red giant branch stars in the metal-poor globular cluster M28 based on high-resolution spectra. This is the first extensive...
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