VOTO 9: Swiss Popular Vote 25.11.2018
Su mandato della Cancelleria federale, il progetto di ricerca VOTO analizza dopo ogni votazione federale cosa motiva le decisioni dei cittadini svizzeri. A tale scopo, VOTO... -
Swiss Environmental Panel Study 2018-2021, Wave 1-6, Cumulative Data
Wie nimmt die Schweizer Bevölkerung Lebens- und Umweltbedingungen sowie Umwelttrends wahr? Wie denkt sie über umweltpolitische Themen und Massnahmen, zum Beispiel in den... -
DemGovCit National Survey
The aim of the "Democratic Governance and Citizens" (DemGovCit) survey was to get insights on citizens' perceptions of democratic governance beyond the state. One research focus... -
Vox 81a - Votation du 18.05.2003
Nachbefragung von Stimmberechtigten; kontinuierliches Erforschen des Abstimmungsverhaltens; theoretische Bezüge: soziologischer und sozialpsychologischer Ansatz. Wesentliche... -
Selects 2023 Candidate Survey
The Swiss Election Study (Selects) 2023 consists of four complementary components: The Post-Election Survey (PES), the Panel Survey, the Candidate Survey, and the Media... -
Selects 2023 Post-Election Survey
The Swiss Election Study (Selects) 2023 consists of four complementary components: The Post-Election Survey (PES), the Panel Survey, the Candidate Survey, and the Media... -
Erhebung zur europäischen Integration, allgemeine politische Fragen, Wissensc...
Die Eurobarometer-Umfragen der Europäischen Kommission bilden eine wichtige Datengrundlage für Sozialwissenschaften im weitesten Sinne. Ursprünglich als Meinungsbarometer zur... -
Enquêtes standardisées VoxIt
Depuis 1977, une enquête est réalisée en Suisse après toutes les votations fédérales, offrant un éclairage sur le vote des citoyennes et des citoyens. Jusqu’en juin 2016, ces... -
Vox 103 - Votation du 26.09.2010
Nachbefragung von Stimmberechtigten; kontinuierliches Erforschen des Abstimmungsverhaltens; theoretische Bezüge: soziologischer und sozialpsychologischer Ansatz. Wesentliche... -
Vox 65 - Votation du 29.11.1998
Nachbefragung von Stimmberechtigten; kontinuierliches Erforschen des Abstimmungsverhaltens; theoretische Bezüge: soziologischer und sozialpsychologischer Ansatz. Wesentliche... -
Standardisierte Umfragen VoxIt
Depuis 1977, une enquête est réalisée en Suisse après toutes les votations fédérales, offrant un éclairage sur le vote des citoyennes et des citoyens. Jusqu’en juin 2016, ces... -
Selects 2019 Panel Survey (waves 1-7)
The Swiss Election Study (Selects) 2019 consists of four complementary components: The Post-Election Survey (PES), the Panel Survey, the Candidate Survey, and the (Social) Media... -
Attitudes et comportements politiques en Suisse - 1972
Faisant suite aux élections fédérales de l'automne 1971, cette recherche a pour but d'étudier les attitudes et comportements politiques des électeurs et des électrices suisses.... -
Emphasis Framing Effects in Political Communication: Disentangling the Effect...
The investigation of emphasis framing effects is one of the most often analyzed types of communicative influences on citizens’ attitudes within political communication research.... -
VOTO 11: Swiss Popular Vote 19.05.2019
Mandated by the Federal Chancellery, the research project VOTO analyses after each federal voting the voting decisions of Swiss citizens. For this purpose, VOTO surveys about... -
Content Analysis of Political Claims-Making
The MERCI project compares collective actions by migrants, xenophobes, and antiracists in Germany, Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Revealing striking... -
Analysis of Social Movement Organizations
This project focused upon forms of participatory democracy elaborated ‘from below’ and implemented both in the internal organization of social movements and in experiments with... -
Conceptions and Practices of Democracy Among Global Activists
This project focused upon forms of participatory democracy elaborated ‘from below’ and implemented both in the internal organization of social movements and in experiments with... -
Standardized Observation of Controversies in Social Movement Organizations
This project focused upon forms of participatory democracy elaborated ‘from below’ and implemented both in the internal organization of social movements and in experiments with... -
Digitalisierungsmonitor 2019
Survey of the candidates for the 2019 parliamentary elections with regard to their values and political positions on issues of digitisation in economy, society and state....