Uncovering the tension-compression asymmetry of low stacking fault FCC alloys...
A certain type of alloys, with face-centered-cubic (FCC) structure and medium to low stacking fault energies (SFE), can trigger the formation of multiple twins (mechanical... -
Solid-supported lipid bilayers for studying mechanosensitive ion channels: to...
Bacterial membranes contain safety valves called mechanosensitive ion channels, which protect the bacterium from changes in the osmotic pressure of their environment. However,... -
Modification of an adsorbed cationic layer by anionic surfactants below the CMC
In this proposal, we request beamtime to study the unexpected behaviour of a strongly bound bilayer of the cationic surfactant didodecyldimethylammonium bromide on the anionic... -
impact of mutlivalent counterions on surfactant adsorption
We request NR beam time on SURF to study the impact of multivalent counterions on the surface adsorption of alkyloxyethylene sulfate surfactants and alkyloxyethylene sulphate /...