Kinetics of surfactant multilayer formation / dissolution at interfaces
The formation of multilayer structures at surfaces and interfaces from self-assembly in mixed surfactant and in polymer / surfactant mixtures has been recently reported, and... -
Understanding the molecular origin of co-non-solvency. Step 2.
A number of polymers that are commonly soluble in water and in alcohol, display a dramatic collapse when 10 molar % of alcohol is added to the polymer/water system. Various... -
Impact of Stereochemistry and Diamine Structure on Absorption of Constructed ...
Chiral gemini surfactants containing stereogenic centers and two amphiphilic moieties, not only maintain the chiral properties, but also exhibit stronger aggregation properties,... -
Measurement of Mechanically Induced Residual Stress Field on Conventional Fra...
This project focuses on the development of new numerical modelling techniques for fatiguecrack growth and in particular, non-uniform crack front evolution and crack growth... -
Shape- and depletant- induced assembly of nanocolloids in submicron channels
Understanding the behavior of colloidal nanoparticles in submicron channels is essential for a number of technological challenges including fracture healing, channel-transport... -
Can photo-MuSR method measure carrier recombination lifetime in direct gap se...
In the past years we have developed a method measuring carrier recombination lifetime in semiconductors using the photo-MuSR setup in HIFI. These studies have focused on... -
Structure and composition of oxide nano-composites for application as SOFC ca...
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are devices for converting liquid or gaseous fuels directly to electrical current. They rely on high oxide ion conductivity throughout the device... -
pH-control of swelling and charge neutralization of thin hydrogel films
Hydrogels are widely used in biomaterials science, much due to excellent protein resistance, and physicochemical properties similar to biological tissue. Charge neutrality is... -
The effect of bilayer rigidity on the interactions with perfluoroalkyl compounds
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are used extensively in industrial products although have been identified as emerging pollutants accumulating in wildlife and environment.... -
Deformation mechanisms in several simple alloys to underpin creep damage char...
The proposal is to study three alloys, both at high temperature and room temperature, to corroborate strain results obtained through high resolution digital image correlation.... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Investigations of Hydration Layers on Cobalt Oxi...
We propose to collect INS data with TOSCA on nanoparticles of CoO and Co3O4 with different levels of hydration and size to study the effect of these parameters on the heat... -
Structural studies of surfactants at the metal-aqueous interface
This proposal relates to the structural studies of cationic surfactant adsorption on an iron oxide metal surface. The driving force for the adsorption of cationic surfactants to... -
Chain Length and Surface Coverage of Surface Grafted Polypeptoids on Protein ...
Inhibition of non-specific protein adsorption to surfaces is critical for proper functioning of medical devices. Different approaches have been developed for producing surfaces... -
Relation between surface tension and adsorbed amount of proteins at the air/w...
The surface tension of proteins often exhibits a reproducible lagtime, which is sensitiv to a range of conditions such as concentration, pH, ionic strength. We have also found... -
Investigation of PVC plasticizers on phospholipid monolayers
Plastic bags are used as containers for storage of donated blood. These bags are typically made out of PVC plasticized with dialkylphthalates (e.g. DEHP), which migrates into... -
Temperature dependence of spin dynamics near quantum criticality in an Ising ...
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations near zero-temperature quantum phase transitions. Here we apply for a... -
Neutronic Studies to Assess New Materials for Optimized Inverted Geometry Spe...
We request 7 days on VESUVIO to evaluate the neutronic performance of several materials used in inverted-geometry neutron spectrometers. In particular, we are interested in... -
Adsorption kinetics from polymer/surfactant systems; PSS/CnTAB
Polymer-surfactant mixtures are widely used in commercial formulations in personal care, pharmaceutical and agrochemical, cleaning, automotive and food industries. The... -
pH-control of swelling and charge neutralization of thin hydrogel films
Hydrogels are widely used in biomaterials science, much due to excellent protein resistance, and physicochemical properties similar to biological tissue. Charge neutrality is... -
Magnetic study of the new skyrmion-carrying material CoZnMn
Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions are swirl-like magnetisation entities that satisfy topological quantisation conditions. They can therefore not be easily unwound into another...