Quantum renormalisation of spin waves in a square lattice antiferromagnet
The two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is one of the most studied model in quantum magnetism . This is in part due to its intrinsic interest but also... -
The anisotropy of the spin fluctuations in the electron nematic phase of Sr3R...
New electronic phases often emerge in the proximity of a quantum critical point (QCP) - that is the point where the transition temperature of a collective phase transition is... -
Neutron spectroscopy of a series of Ruthenium triangles: a new possible route...
Most of our technology is based on the use of charge, however the electron also has another less well-understood (or exploited) property called spin. The application of this... -
Unravelling spin fluctuation components in a stripe-ordered cuprate
In previous experiments at ILL we observed a gap in the magnetic excitation spectrum of the stripe-ordered superconductor (La,Nd)2-xSrxCuO4, x=0.12. We observed a spin gap of... -
Magnetic excitation spectrum near incipient SDW order in Nb1-xFe2+x
Our previous neutron diffraction on C14 Laves phase compounds Nb1-xFe2+x revealed thata spin-density-wave (SDW) is masking an underlying ferromagnetic (FM) quantum critical... -
Origin of Anomalous Thermal Expansion in Ih phase of Protonated (H2O) and Deu...
Among the all known crystalline ice phases, ice (Ih phase) exhibits anomalous thermal expansion behavior. We propose to measure phonon density of state of protonated ice (H2O)... -
Proton diffusion in zirconate perovskites investigated by QENS
The growth in both global demand for energy and fossil-fuel related environmental issues drive research on alternative fuel sources. Solid oxide fuel cells, which can operate on... -
Determination of the ligand field parameters of holmium bisphthalocyanine sin...
We aim to determine the ligand field parameters of the [HoPc2]¿ complex belonging to the family of lanthanide double decker (Ln=Dy3+,Ho3+,Tb3+) single-molecule magnets (SMM),... -
Dirac Point and Topological Triplon Bands in the Shastry-Sutherland Material ...
SrCu$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$ (SCBO) is a very much studied quantum magnet that is most well known for its ground state of coupled singlets and multiple magnetization plateaux. Recently,... -
Magnetic excitation spectrum of new quantum magnet
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Cu-ion mobility and lattice dynamics in the liquid-like phase of Cu2Se
Thermoelectricity enables the conversion of waste heat into useful power, and it is becoming increasingly important for power recovery applications at high temperature, where... -
Low energy spin dynamics of the stoichiometric heavy fermion CeRuSn3
Heavy fermion systems situated close to a quantum critical point present very rich physics due to the dominant Kondo interactions. Our investigations on the Kondo lattice heavy... -
Quantum critical E/T scaling of the dynamic susceptibility in Sr3Ru2O7
Spin fluctuations of materials close to a quantum critical point (QCP) exhibit anomalous behaviors. Sr3Ru2O7 has been shown to exhibit field-induced spin density wave (SDW)... -
Evidence for long-range order in HoTbTi2O7
Evidence of long-range order has been observed in the diffuse neutron scattering data for a single crystal of HoTbTi2O7.A spin ice like pattern and pinch points coexist with the... -
Magnetic excitations in a pure Fe3+ pyrochlore lattice (FeF3) ¿ A classic spi...
We propose to study the powder averaged spin fluctuations in a S=5/2 pryochlore - FeF3. Previous studies, corroborated by our own diffraction work on WISH, have measured that... -
Quantum renormalisation of spin waves in a square lattice antiferromagnet
The two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is one of the most studied model in quantum magnetism . This is in part due to its intrinsic interest but also... -
INS investigation of dimethylammonium TM formates
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Fractionalized spin excitation and crystal electric field study in the rare-e...
A new rare-earth triangular quantum spin liquid (QSL) candidate, YbMgGaO4, has an odd number of electrons per unit cell and spin-orbit entangled effective spin-1/2 (Yb3+).... -
Magnetic excitations in a spin-liquid candidate K2Ni2(SO4)3
In majority of magnetic compounds interactions between spins, that reside on magnetic ions, result in a long-range ordered state below a critical temperature. In some materials... -
Towards understanding the radical-bridged 4f complexes featuring the highest ...
The discovery of slow relaxation of the magnetization and quantum effects in the single-molecule magnet (SMM) Mn12-ac in 1993 has inspired both physicist and chemist alike. A...