Coral calcifying fluid chemistry at CO2 seeps
Coral reefs are iconic ecosystems with immense ecological, economic and cultural value, but globally their carbonate-based skeletal construction is threatened by ocean... -
Bacterial species associated with Acropora millepora Raw sequence reads
Microbial populations of Vibrio-treated and control Acropora millepora were analyzed via 16S rRNA gene sequencing to determine community profiles underlying increased disease... -
DNA of Acropora millepora Coral Virome
The Great Barrier Reef and Red Sea Sequencing Project Abstract:The Reef Future Genomics 2020 (ReFuGe) consortium are generating a large "omic" framework dataset for corals,... -
The role of vertical symbiont transmission in altering cooperation and fitnes...
The aim of this study was to compare cooperation and fitness among three pairs of closely related coral species differing in their mode of symbiont transmission (n=6 species, 3... -
Transcriptomic differences between day and night in Acropora millepora provid...
The metabolic bases of the interaction between the coral Acropora millepora and its dinoflagellate symbiont were investigated by comparing gene expression levels under light and... -
Association test for bleaching and adaptive evolution in the coral Acropora m...
Although reef-building corals are rapidly declining worldwide, responses vary both within and among species. The inter-individual differences are partly heritable, raising the... -
Red fluorescence in coral larvae is associated with a diapause-like state
This study examined the association between larval fluorescence phenotype (red, green, and “mega-green”) and global gene expression under three light treatments (dark, green... -
Acropora millepora Raw sequence reads
Amplicon sequencing of animals used in CRISPR/Cas9 study -
Methylome and transcriptome sequencing of axial polyps and radial polyps from...
Two colonies of Acropora millepora were acquired from Little Pioneer Bay and Northeast Orpheus near Orpheus Island research station. DNA and RNA were isolated from the same... -
Expression profiling responses of coral larvae (Acropora millepora) to elevat...
Although the elevated temperatures resulting from climate change present a clear threat to reef-building corals, the traits that might influence corals' fitness and survival... -
Genomic determinants of coral heat tolerance across latitudes--gene_expression
As global warming progresses, reef-building corals could avoid local population declines through “genetic rescue” involving exchange of heat-tolerant genotypes across latitudes,... -
Acropora millepora Genome sequencing and Transcriptome
In order to detect RNA editing-sites we sequenced RNA and DNA from the same coral sample -
The acute transcriptional response of the coral Acropora millepora to immune ...
This studies investigates the acute response of the coral Acropora millepora to two immunogenes: MDP (bacterial mimic) and pIC (viral mimic). Three members of the GiMAP familly... -
Contrasting effects of Symbiodinium identity on coral host transcriptional pr...
Reef-building corals can increase their resistance to heat-induced bleaching through adaptation and acclimatization and/or by associating with a more thermo-tolerant strain of... -
Acropora millepora isolate:SF001 Genome sequencing and assembly
This project seeks to provide a comprehensive resource for Acropora millepora, a species that occurs widely across the Indo-Pacific and has come into favour for experimental... -
Acropora millepora Genome sequencing and assembly
Sequencing reads and assembly for Acropora millepora -
Acropora millepora Raw sequence reads
it is presently unknown how specific environmental cues function together with endogenous clock mechanism to ensure the accurate timing of gamete release. Our results show that... -
Study on the variation (SNP) of 13 individuals of Acropora millepora. Raw seq...
This study aimed to determine the genotypes of several candidate loci previously identified using seascape genomics, in 13 individuals of Acropora millepora from New Caledonia... -
Whole Transcriptome analysis of the coral acropora millepora reveals complex ...
We used the Illumina RNAseq approach to study the effects of acute exposure to elevated CO2 on gene expression in primary polyps of Acropora millepora Overall design:... -
Mixed patterns of intergenerational DNA methylation inheritance in Acropora
For sessile organisms at high risk from climate change, phenotypic plasticity can be critical to rapid acclimation. Epigenetic markers like DNA methylation are hypothesized as...