Supplemental Table 2: Compiled mean Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope data of lavas from Se...
This dataset has no description
Exploring functional traits of fish species in the Azores archipelago: a data...
This database contains functional traits of target and non-target fish species (Actinopterygii and Elasmobranchii) from the Azores archipelago, Portugal. The included traits are... -
Major and trace elements, Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data of lavas from D. João de Cast...
The D. João de Castro seamount is located on the ultraslow diverging Terceira Rift, Azores. D. João de Castro is a young central volcano (<0.5 Ma) with recent volcanic and... -
SeaDataNet - Administration and dimensions from Marine Institute (PointOfCont...
SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme.... -
SeaDataNet - Physical oceanography from Marine Institute (PointOfContact; Dat...
SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme.... -
SeaDataNet - Chemical oceanography from Marine Institute (PointOfContact; Dat...
SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme.... -
SeaDataNet - Administration and dimensions from IEO-CSIC, Spanish Oceanograph...
SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme.... -
SeaDataNet - Physical oceanography from IEO-CSIC, Spanish Oceanographic Insti...
SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme.... -
SeaDataNet - Chemical oceanography from IEO-CSIC, Spanish Oceanographic Insti...
SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme.... -
SeaDataNet - Biological oceanography from IEO-CSIC, Spanish Oceanographic Ins...
SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme.... -
Supplemental Table 3: Data used for clinopyroxene-melt thermobarometry
Data used fro clinopyroxene-melt thermobarometry. Clinopyroxene rim compositions from electron microprobe analysis on selected submarine lavas from Serreta Ridge (SR-A) and the... -
Major and trace elements, Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes and clinopyroxene-melt thermob...
Volcanism in the Eastern Azores Plateau occurs at large central volcanoes and along subaerial and submarine fissure zones, resulting from a mantle melting anomaly combined with... -
Multibeam bathymetry processed data (EM 120 echosounder entire dataset) of RV...
Swath sonar bathymetry data used for that dataset was recorded during RV METEOR cruise M79/2 using Kongsberg EM 120 multibeam echosounder. The cruise took place between... -
Habitat suitability maps for vulnerable and foundation cold-water coral taxa ...
We developed habitat suitability models for 14 vulnerable and foundation cold-water coral (CWC) taxa of the Azores (NE Atlantic) using GAM and MAXENT models. The modelled taxa... -
Model outputs: Modelling the dispersion of Seafloor Massive Sulphide mining p...
It is increasingly recognised that deep-sea mining of seafloor massive sulphides (SMS) could become an important source of mineral resources. These operations will remove the... -
Heat flow data of METEOR cruise M186, Azores hot vents
Marine heat flow data from RV Meteor cruise M186. The GEOMAR project name is Azores Hot Vents. We used the 6 m Bremen heat probe with 21 channels @ 0.26 m spacing. No... -
Marine heat flow data at station HF2246
No corrections for topography, sedimentation or radiogentic heat production has been applied. -
Marine heat flow data at station HF2245
No corrections for topography, sedimentation or radiogentic heat production has been applied. -
Marine heat flow data at station HF2248
No corrections for topography, sedimentation or radiogentic heat production has been applied. -
Marine heat flow data at station HF2249
No corrections for topography, sedimentation or radiogentic heat production has been applied.