A Time-Calibrated Phylogenomic Analysis of Gadiform Fishes (Teleostei, Paraca...
A robust and comprehensive backbone phylogeny for Gadiformes is proposed with the overall goal of improving our understanding of the evolution of the group. -
NOAA Genome Skimming of Marine animals inhabiting the US Exclusive Economic Zone
This project aims to create a multi-locus genetic barcode reference library for marine species of interest to NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Science Centers. Each sample is... -
Evolution of the immune system influences speciation rates in teleost fishes
Teleost fishes constitute the most species-rich vertebrate clade and exhibit extensive genetic and phenotypic variation, including diverse immune-defence strategies. The genomic... -
Brosme brosme (cusk) genomic and transcriptomic data
This project collects the genomic and transcriptomic data generated for the cusk (Brosme brosme), to facilitate genome assembly and annotation as part of the Canadian BioGenome... -
Raw sequence reads from Danish species
Raw reads from samples of danish species, sequenced with the purpose of assembling mito genomes for future references. -
Catch and bycatch of fish, corals and sponges from long line fishing onboard ...
The objective of the IMR-2009615 cruise was to study the distribution of fish and plankton in relation to the occurrence of Lophelia cold-water coral reefs and the general...