The impact of synthetic perfumes on surfactant self-assembly.
This proposal is part of a broad collaboration between Oxford, CCLRC, and Unilever in the study of surfactants and mixed surfactants at interfaces and in solution. This is an... -
Understanding Li-Diffusion and Resultant Magnetism Within Li Intercalated int...
This study involves attempting to understand the Li atom diffusion within Li-intercalated hexagonal boron nitride. Muons present a significant advantage as they are sensitive to... -
Study of the reorganization of DES upon dilution with Benzylalcohol
Nanoporous carbons are of great importance for development of energy storage and gas adsorption devices. The critical parameter is pore size and it is difficult to predict. Our... -
Testing the Stokes-Einstein relation in a plastic crystal
We propose to examine the microscopic dynamic properties of a class of solid ion conductors known as ?plastic crystals?. The name ?plastic? reflect the ability of these... -
QENS on Lightweight Borohydrides
We propose to study two aspects of the hydrogen dynamics in complex hydrides:First: The structural transitions in borohydrides are believed to be connected with an increase in... -
The effect of alcohol chain length on the interaction between PS-PEO copolyme...
In many applications, surfactants are formulated with a variety of additives to achieve a desired range of properties; polymers and cosurfactants/cosolvents (such as alcohols)... -
Viscosity modifiers for CO2
There is a well-documented track record of research into water-in-CO2 (w/c) microemulsions. Using newly discovered CO2 compatible surfactants, the next step is to explore... -
The partial dynamical structure factors and vibrational density of states in ...
The object of this proposal is to measure the partial dynamical structure factors and the partial vibrational density of states (VDOS) for the archetypal network forming glass... -
Multiscale time resolving study of the crystallisation of polyethylene from s...
This experiment is focused on the use of the unique capability of Nimrod to study the crystallisation of polymers from solution. We wish to obtain high quality time-resolved... -
Room temperature ferromagnetic/ferroelectric ordering in BaTiO3 - BiFeO3 - Pb...
There are very few genuine claims of materials that are ferroelectric and ferromagnetic at room temperature. In This proposal we will study both textured and non texture BaTiO3... -
Solvation and structure of iron oxide in a choline chloride/oxalic acid deep ...
We aim to investigate the solvation of iron oxide and zinc oxide in an environmentally friendly deep eutectic solvent system in order to understand how to engineer these new...