Egenskaper hos fukttåliga solceller från inkapslande 3D perovskiter med lång ...
The data are associated with the open access article "Moisture tolerant solar cells by encapsulating 3D perovskite with long-chain alkylammonium cation-based 2D perovskite"... -
Teoretisk studie kring bildning av iminoacetonitril
The purpose of this study is to investigate the dimerisation of HCN in the condensed phase. The included data consists of quantum chemical calculations and optimized structures... -
Dataset: Mekaniska, termiska och strukturella undersökningar av kemiskt härda...
Chemical strengthening is being investigated with the purpose to get a better understanding for the complex mechanisms of the process and in the future create thinner and... -
Elektronegativitet för atomer i molekyler
The purpose of this study is to investigate electronegativity and charges of atoms in molecules. These properties have been obtained from topological analyses of the real space... -
Dataset: Ytmekaniska egenskaper för kemiskt härdade TiO2 dopade soda kalk sil...
Titanium oxide has been added to the conventional soda lime silicate composition that is the most used glass in different applications. Surface mechanical properties through... -
Analys av flyktiga organiska ämnen för tidig detektion av Fusarium circinatum
Fusarium circinatum, a fungal pathogen deadly to many Pinus species, can cause significant economic and ecological losses, especially if it were to become more widely... -
Simuleringar av HCN polymerisation
The research study investigated the free energy landscape of HCN oligomerization through competing pathways. The research data consists of results from quantum chemical... -
Dataset: Alkali jon diffusion och struktur för kemiskt härdade TiO2 dopade so...
Diffusion kinetics and structural properties of chemically strengthened titania-doped soda-lime silicate glasses were studied by depth-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,... -
Originaldata fälttester av aggreggationsferomon för långhorningsskalbaggar Ar...
Original data for Molander et al: p-Mentha-1,3-dien-9-ol: A novel aggregation-sex pheromone for monitoring longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) in Eurasia and North America Longhorn... -
Snabbare konvergens för Variational Quantum Eigensolver genom parameteröverfö...
Results of quantum computer simulations, using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE). The dataset contains data calculated using various parameters and settings. The goal of... -
Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland (LOMROG) 2007: Kemisk och fysisk oceanografi
Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) and water sampling were carried out at 26 stations covering parts of the western Eurasian Basin and one station at the East Greenland... -
Mapping of base cation deposition in the Nordic countries
Base cation deposition from the atmosphere provides, together with weathering, ions for neutralising acidity and, after sufficient reductions of acidifying deposition, a source... -
Proteomanalys av phycobiliprotein-antenner hos kryptofyt-algen Guillardia the...
Plants and algae have developed various light-harvesting mechanisms for optimal delivery of excitation energy to the photosystems. Cryptophyte algae have evolved a novel soluble... -
Databas över pompejanska putser
The study presented in this database concerns plasters used for wall decorations in Pompeii. Earlier experiences in the field showed that plasters compositions change over time.... -
Characterization of organic nitrate constituents of secondary organic aerosol...
The gas-phase nitrate radical (NO3*) initiated oxidation of limonene can produce organic nitrate species with varying physical properties. Low-volatility products can contribute...