Svalbard 2010 team (2010): EPOCA Svalbard mesocosm experiment 2010 depth-inte...
Latest data set update: 9 October 2013. In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne and Gattuso, 2011) was used... -
Phytoplankton group fraction on total chlorophyll a concentration determined ...
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Phytoplankton group fraction on total chlorophyll a concentration determined ...
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Phytoplankton group chlorophyll a concentration determined with HPLC pigments...
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Chemtax based phytoplankton group composition during POLARSTERN cruise PS92
The taxonomic structure of the phytoplankton groups from the CTD stations during PS 92 were calculated from marker pigment ratios using the CHEMTAX program (Mackey et al,... -
Phytoplankton composition derived from CHEMTAX along 10°E during POLARSTERN c...
Phytoplankton community structure and their physiological response in the vicinity of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF; 44°S to 53°S, centred at 10°E) were investigated as part of... -
Effect of elevated CO2 on organic matter pools and fluxes in a summer Baltic ...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2015) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
KOSMOS Finland 2012 mesocosm study: carbonate chemistry, particulate and diss...
Ocean acidification is expected to influence plankton community structure and biogeochemical element cycles. To date, the response of plankton communities to elevated CO2 has... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and phytoplankton and eubacterial community comp...
On-deck CO2-Fe-manipulated incubation experiments were conducted using surface seawater collected from the Western Subarctic Gyre of the NW Pacific in the summer of 2008 to... -
Contribution of benthic microalgae to the temporal variation in phytoplankton...
Suspended benthic microalgae in the water column reflect the strong benthic-pelagic coupling in coastal ecosystems and particularly in turbid macrotidal systems. Nevertheless,...