RNA sequence of gonad and brain in marine sculpin (Cottidae)
Marine Sculpin (Cottidae, Teleost) have two fertilization mode external fertilization and unusual fertilizing mode called internal gametic association. Sperm morphological... -
Clinocottus analis Transcriptome or Gene expression
These data have been produced as part of the CCGP. RNA-seq data were generated with Illumina sequencing at the UCLA Technology Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics. For more... -
Clinocottus analis Genome sequencing and assembly
These data have been produced as part of the CCGP. Reference genomes were generated with PacBio long read data and Dovetail OmniC libraries, and Illumina sequencing at a... -
Improving Metabarcoding Taxonomic Assignment: A Case Study of Fishes in a Lar...
Reference Barcodes for California Current Large Marine Ecosystem Fishes generated using the MiFish 12S Universal and Elasmobranch primer sets. Both vouchered and unvouchered...