Corpus Parole (3 milions words)
The PAROLE project (Preparatory Action for Linguistic Resources Organization for Language Engineering) has produced a set of harmonized corpora and lexicons for a large number... -
Concessive constructions in varieties of English: Corpus data
The data were used in a corpus-based study that investigates the variation of concessive constructions across nine varieties of English. Concessive constructions are here taken... -
Linguistic Typology of Motion Events in Visual Narratives - Data and Publication
Languages use different strategies to encode motion. Some use particles or “satellites” to describe a path of motion (Satellite-framed or S-languages like English), while others... -
Running through the Who, Where, and When - Data and Publication
Understanding visual narratives requires readers to track dimensions of time, spatial location, and characters across a sequence. Previous work has found situational changes...