(Fig 4i) Water stable oxygen isotope record from the EDML ice core for the pr...
Age is given on the EDC3 age scale. -
(Fig 4i) Water stable oxygen isotope record from the EDML ice core for the la...
Age is given on the EDC3 age scale. -
Reconstructed volcanic stratospheric sulfur injections and volcanic sulfate d...
We used four polar ice cores - two from Greenland and two from Antarctica - to investigate volcanic sulphate deposition on polar ice sheets between 13,200 and 12,800 years BP.... -
Water stable oxygen isotope records from six Antarctic ice core sites for the...
We compare the present and last interglacial periods as recorded in Antarctic water stable isotope records now available at various temporal resolutions from six East Antarctic... -
First results from stable-istope measurements on ice cores from Dronning Maud...
The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) focuses on the drilling of two deep ice cores, the first at Dome C and the second at Kohnen station (75°00' S, 0°04' E)... -
Last Interglacial synthesis of high-latitude temperature: temperature anomali...
The Last Interglacial (LIG, 129-116 thousand of years BP, ka) represents a test bed for climate model feedbacks in warmer-than-present high latitude regions. However, mainly... -
This dataset has no description
Antarctic δ18Oice and atmospheric temperature stacks of the WD, EDC, and EDML...
This dataset consists in two stacks of three Antarctic records (EDC, EDML, and WD), one for δ18Oice and the other for atmospheric temperature: both stacks are provided with... -
High-resolution 10Be concentrations in the EDML ice core
This dataset has no description
Continuous record of the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2), raw...
Final file of data selection with n=2152 entries. Data with event/site "Law Dome" have been measured at various different sites, see original papers for details. CO2 data from... -
Methane measured on ice core EDML on AICC2012 chronology
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Tie-points for the manual methane synchronization of Byrd ice core data to ED...
This dataset has no description
Delta deuterium of atmospheric methane for the MIS5/4 transition from the EDM...
This dataset has no description
Carbon isotopic data of atmospheric methane from EDML ice core
Samples above 1010 m are from Fischer et al. 2008, but have here been corrected for Kr interference and processed similar to the data presented here. It is mandatory to cite... -
Subgrain boundaries in EDML ice core
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Mean grain size of ice core EDML
This dataset has no description
Rare earth element concentration EDML ice core
This dataset has no description
Rare earth elements determined in ice core EDML by inductively coupled plasma...
Number of replicates: 6 -
Rare earth elements determined in ice core EDML by inductively coupled plasma...
Number of replicates: 40