14 datasets found

Keywords: Emission line stars

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  • Chromospherically Active Binaries

    The catalog contains 206 spectroscopic binary systems with at least one late-type component that shows Ca II H and K emission in its spectrum. These systems include the...
  • New classical Ae stars using LAMOST DR5

    We report the first systematic study to identify and characterize a sample of classical Ae stars in the Galaxy. The spectra of these stars were retrieved from the A-star...
  • GALAH emission-line stars

    We present a neural network autoencoder structure that is able to extract essential latent spectral features from observed spectra and then reconstruct a spectrum from those...
  • Optical spectroscopy of classical Be stars

    In this study, we analyse the emission lines of different species present in 118 Galactic field classical Be stars in the wavelength range of 3800-9000{AA}. We re-estimated the...
  • H{alpha} stars in M31 HST photometry

    We present a sample of 224 stars that emit H{alpha} (H{alpha} stars) in the Andromeda galaxy (M31). The stars were selected from ~5000 spectra, collected as part of the...
  • Chromospherically active stars in RAVE. II.

    A large sample of over 38000 chromospherically active candidate solar-like stars and cooler dwarfs from the RAVE survey is addressed in this paper. An improved activity...
  • Infrared photometry in the Arches Cluster

    We present and use new spectra and narrowband images, along with previously published broadband images, of stars in the Arches cluster to extract photometry, astrometry,...
  • Gemini-LIGHTS protoplanetary disks

    We present the complete sample of protoplanetary disks from the Gemini- Large Imaging with the Gemini Planet Imager Herbig/T Tauri Survey, which observed bright Herbig Ae/Be...
  • MWC 314 spectroscopy

    The results of high-resolution optical spectroscopy obtained for a recently suggested LBV (luminous blue variable) candidate, MWC 314, are presented. Photospheric lines mostly...
  • RX J1604.3-213010 SPHERE polarimetric images

    RX J1604 is a dipper source, and the data show different kinds of variability. However, a detailed analysis of repeated measurements shows that the results are not affected by...
  • HD141569A system ALMA and NOEMA data cubes

    The study of gas-rich debris discs is fundamental to characterising the transition between protoplanetary discs and debris discs. Aims. We determine the physical parameters of...
  • UBV photometry of HD 6226

    Photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of the B star resulted in the finding that this object is a new bright Be star with a clear positive correlation between the brightness...
  • 2dF survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud

    We present a catalogue of new spectral types for hot, luminous stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The catalogue contains 4161 objects, giving an order of magnitude increase in...
  • Interferometric observations of northern Be stars

    We present the first K'-band, long-baseline interferometric observations of the northern Be stars {gamma} Cas, {phi} Per, {zeta} Tau, and {kappa} Dra. The measurements were made...
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