Understanding the spin-Peierls Transition in KTCNQ and derivatives
Motivated by work showing that magnetic coupling between TCNQ anions in potassium TCNQ (KTCNQ) can be changed simply by changing the aromatic substituents, we seek to qunatify... -
Silicon nanoparticles in thermoelectric material applications
In order to meet the UK's commitment to reduce 80% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it is necessary make major advances in efficient, clean and secure energy conversion and... -
In a recent series of successful experiments at PSI and ISIS we were able to demonstrate the possibility of measuring the rate of transfer of a small molecule (allyl alcohol)... -
Organometallic Radicals
A 19-electron organometallic radical was produced by the reaction of muonium with ferrocene and characterized by avoided level crossing muon spin resonance (ALC-muSR) and... -
Quantum tunnelling of muonium via radical states in molecular solids
The extreme quantum nature of muons and muonium in condensed matter is the result of having a mass that is nine times lighter than that of a hydrogen atom. While this quantum... -
Novel Mechanisms of Green Tea Anti-Oxidants by Mu-SR, INS and DFT Experiments
A proposal is made to continue ongoing ALC-muSR experiments on the green-tea anti-oxidant EGCG and its analogue. Several overlapping resonances observed on HiFi made it... -
High Field Studies of BEDT-TTF and kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2X
The kappa structural phase of BEDT-TTF salts incorporating various anions X provides an extremely interesting series of layered-structure strongly-correlated materials, whose... -
Muon charactersiation of dielectric insulation system under applied electric ...
We plan to measure the electric field distribution in epoxy resin based dielectrics close to breakdown using muons to detect the free charge carriers that may contribute to... -
Vibrations of a muoniated radical center and photochemistry in benzophenone
Benzophenone is an ideal material to study vibrations of a muon radical centre with near-IR laser light, as all C=O bonds in solid state are almost parallel to each other and it... -
Identification and dynamics of muon states in octabutoxy-phthalocyanine
The current experiment proposes to identify and study the spin dynamics of the muon states formed in octabutoxy-phthalocyanine (oBu-H2Pc) using the avoided level crossing... -
RF μSR in the gas phase: understanding a ¿null¿ result
We have made a significant effort to develop Radio Frequency μSR (RF μSR) as a technique for spectroscopy of organic radicals in the gas phase. Realising this method... -
The role of spin-orbit interaction on Group-III-trisquinolates
Spin based electronics (spintronics) is one of the most exciting and challenging areas in nanotechnology. It is expected to be of major scientific and social impact. Very little... -
Interaction of Xe with Membranes Using µSR
The mechanism of action of inhalation anaesthetics such as N2O and the inert gases are unclear. Direct binding to receptor sites on membranes would rely on weak intermolecular... -
Effect of electric field on paramagnetic state formation in molecular semicon...
The effect of electric field on the diamagnetic and paramagetic muon spin rotation signals will be investigated for the organic molecular semiconductors NPB and TPBi . These... -
Electron spin relaxation measurements in polymeric systems
This proposal looks to study the electron spin relaxation using high field ALC measurements in two polymers, which differ only by the non-metal (i.e S or Se) in the polymer... -
Towards a validated standard method for performing DFT calculations of muoniu...
In this proposal we want to address the issue of the identification of the different muonium adducts that are possible in Alq3 without any crystallographic constraints, and... -
End-Game: Cornering Solvent Effects on H-Addition in Green Tea Anti-Oxidants
Our ongoing project to characterise radical scavenging by the green tea anti-oxidant EGCG and its D-ring analogue, (3,4,5-(OH)3-Bz) is near-complete. ALC-MuSR experiments on the... -
Characterisation of Green-Tea Radical Scavengers by ALC-MuSR and High-Level C...
We propose to characterise selected radical structures of the green-tea anti-oxidant flavenoid EGCG (& selected analogues), by DFT/post-HF computation and ALC-MuSR, towards... -
Identifying the mechanism behind spin relaxation in organic materials
We wish to measure the low-field ALCs of a series of related functionalised acenes to identify which mechanism (spin orbit or hyperfine) is responsible for spin relaxation in... -
Study of the dependence of electron spin relaxation on molecule length in acenes
We wish to measure the ALCs of a series of polyacene molecules made of a different number of rings. We would like to identify the dependence of the electron spin relaxation rate...