In a recent series of successful experiments at PSI and ISIS we were able to demonstrate the possibility of measuring the rate of transfer of a small molecule (allyl alcohol)... -
Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni2TCNQ, Ni(TCNQ)2 and related materials
Amorphous molecular magnetic materials Ni2(OA) (OA:organic acceptor) were reported to exhibit ferromagnetism with Curie temperatures >400K. This work is controversial as it... -
Musr study of non-centrosymmetric heavy-fermion compounds: CeTSi3 (T=Pt and P...
In view of the interesting magnetic properties observed in CeTSi3 (T=Pt and Pd) and superconductivity in LaPdSi3 (TSC= 2.6 K), as well as the theoretical interest in... -
Interaction of Xe with Membranes Using µSR
The mechanism of action of inhalation anaesthetics such as N2O and the inert gases are unclear. Direct binding to receptor sites on membranes would rely on weak intermolecular... -
Understanding Spin Density Variations in Fluorinated TCNQ Adducts
There is a large emphisis on fucntialising materials to create magnetic and electrical materials. Tetracyanoquinodimethane is a famous material discovered in the 1960 and ws... -
A study of Line Broadening of the Muonium RF Signal in the Presence of O2 Spi...
Considerable work has been carried out at ISIS with the aim of studying muoniated radicals in the gas phase by RF techniques. This has been motivated both by a desire to... -
Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni(TCNQ)2
Molecular ferromagnets offer great potential as they are synthesized at low temperatures and offer the possibility functionalization. Ni(TCNQ)2 is such a molecular ferromagnet,... -
Studying Electron Freezing and The Emergence of Static Magentic Order in Nb a...
One of the technological goals is to create materials that show high permittivity and low dielectric loss, which has been achieved by the co-doping of Nb and In into rutile... -
Using QLCR to Study Stopping Sites in Molecular Solids
Muon nuclear quadrupolar level crossing resonance is not a well-known technique, however it is extremely powerful. There is a large interest in probing the muon stopping site... -
Effects of IR Illumination on Mu Dynamics and Mu0 Formation in TiO2
We propose a study of Mu dynamics and the low temperature Mu$^0$-like states in TiO$_{2}$ under near-IR illumination to investigate the resulting excitonic states and behaviour.... -
Using QLCR to Study Stopping Sites in Molecular Solids
Muon nuclear quadrupolar level crossing resonance is not a well-known technique, however it is extremely powerful. There is a large interest in probing the muon stopping site... -
Muonium in widegap oxides
This proposal is part of a long-range program aiming at determining the stable charge-state configurations, site and impurity energy levels (donor and/or acceptor) of hydrogen... -
Development of Radio Frequency µSR as a Method for Determining Hyperfine Coup...
Radio Frequency µSR provides a direct method for accurately determining muon hyperfine coupling constants, Aµ, for muoniated radical species. The method complements the well... -
Spin Dynamics in a Quantum Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet
Frustrated compounds belonging to the pyrochlore family have attracted significant interest as they can host a huge variety of exotic phases. In order to explore the rich phase... -
Manipulation of Quadrupole Resonance Level Crossing in MuonSR by Rf irradiati...
Muon interactions with quadrupolar nuclear spins have occasionally been studied by theirlevel crossing resonance spectra. In an ideal case the quadrupole resonance level... -
Using muons to investigate the excitation spectrum in low-dimensional molecul...
We propose to use longitudinal field muon-spin relaxation to investigate the excitation spectrum of the most successful realizations of one- and two-dimensional antiferromagnets... -
Probing glassy magnetic transitions in structurally disordered (defect fluori...
Cubic A2B2O7 oxides with A standing for a rare-earth element and B for a transition or main block metal have been systematically studied for their frequently exotic... -
Characterizing Mu in 6H-SiC with RF-MuSR
We propose a set of RF measurements on Silicon Carbide (polytype 6H) to identify and characterize the muonium species present below room temperature. One of the main goals of... -
To complete a pressure dependence study of topological frustration in Y(Mn0.9...
While Y(Mn1-xAlx)2 (x<0.02) is seen as a system of AF coupled local Mn moments (T<110K), alloys with 0.02<x<0.3 show characteristics of a topologically frustrated...