Polarized neutron reflectormetry study of ultra-thin FeRh films.
FeRh in the CsCl structure is an interesting material with a tunable magnetostructural phase transition close to, or just above room temperature. On heating through the... -
A study of the metastable phase in Ca3Co2O6
Ca3Co2O6 is an unusual system, with a highly anisotropic magnetic behaviour and a series of regularly spaced steps in magnetisation appearing at low temperatures in a magnetic... -
The phase diagram of the spin-density-wave metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7
Sr3Ru2O7 is an unusual layered oxide metamagnetic metal. It has been know for some time that the application of a large magnetic field (~8 T) perpendicular to the RuO2 planes... -
Magnetic phase diagram in CeRh0.4Co0.6In5:
The '115' phase diagram shows a delicate interplay between strongly correlated magnetism and unconventional superconductivity with similar order parameters to high temperature... -
Magnetic Roughness controlled by anisotropy
This is a continuation for proposal number 520445, where we looked at the magnetic roughness in the superlattice system Pd/Fe/Pd/Au. The analysis of the previous results is... -
In-situ hydrogen decomposition studies of ammonia borane and the diammoniate ...
Ammonia borane (AB) is one of the most promising hydrogen storage materials. We have extensively studied the low temperature behaviour of this material This proposal asks for 3... -
Spin transitions in the hexagonal (6H) perovskites Ba3NdRu2O9
The hexagonal perovskites make up a large and technologically useful class of oxide materials, with applications as diverse as dielectric resonators for mobile phones and fuel... -
First experiment with a pulsed field magnet at ISIS or how to break the 15T b...
We propose to use a pulsed magnet system tried and tested at several neutron and synchrotron facilities in conjunction with the new high flux diffractometer WISH to perform the...