Biomarker data in TOC from the (sub)Arctic
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Biomarker data in sediments from the (sub)Arctic
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Environmental data from the (sub)Arctic
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Holocene temperature reconstructions for northeastern North America and the n...
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Baffin Bay/Nares Strait surface (seafloor) sediment mineralogy
BF = Baffin fiordsBB = Baffin BayBS = Baffin ShelfBSL = Baffin slopeNBB = North Baffin BayWGS = West Gr'nd shelfWGSL = West Gr'nd slopeNS = Nares StraitL = Labrador Sea -
Holocene temperature reconstructions for northeastern North America and the n...
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Organic geochemistry and biomarker data from Baffin Bay surface sediments
Samples were collected from Baffin Bay in 2008, 2015, and 2017 aboard the CSS Hudson and Amundsen research vessels. The box core and triggers cores were collected at water... -
Radiogenic Nd isotope signatures of progressively leached dolostone grains fr...
This dataset includes the results of the analysis of 4 marine sediment downcore records recovered from the Labrador Sea: core MD99-2227 (58° 12.38 N, 48° 22.22 W, 3460 m); core... -
Radiogenic Nd isotope signatures of marine sediments (bulk and detrital), for...
This dataset includes the results of the analysis of a marine sediment downcore record recovered from the Labrador Sea: core HU08-029-004 (61°27.49 N, 58°02.11 W, 2674 m).... -
Trace elements and REE concentrations of the different dolostone leaching sol...
This dataset includes the results of the analysis of 4 marine sediment downcore records recovered from the Labrador Sea: core MD99-2227 (58° 12.38 N, 48° 22.22 W, 3460 m); core... -
Holocene temperature reconstructions for northeastern North America and the n...
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(Table S4) Mineral composition of sediment core HU2008029-070TWC
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(Table S4) Mineral composition of sediment core HU2008029-070PC
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