Metabarcoding data analysis of fungal communities associated with pedunculate...
In this study, we analyzed the diversity and composition of fungal communities collected from leaves of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) and needles of maritime pine (Pinus... -
Metabarcoding data analysis of foliar fungal communities associated with 84 w...
These metabarcoding data describe foliar fungal communities collected on 84 woody species planted at the Arboretum des Barres (Nogent-sur-Vernisson, France, 47.83819 N , 2.75792... -
Test dataset for assessment FROGS ITS methodology
Our objective was to create datasets allowing, among other things, to test methods and tools to process data from Fungi metabarcoding sequencing. Consequently, we have... -
Metabarcoding data analysis of fungal communities associated with 203 full-si...
In this study, we consider the diversity and composition of the fungal communities collected on 203 full-sib Quercus robur individuals. Adult trees are located in the Bourran...