Metabarcoding data analysis of foliar fungal communities associated with 84 woody species.


These metabarcoding data describe foliar fungal communities collected on 84 woody species planted at the Arboretum des Barres (Nogent-sur-Vernisson, France, 47.83819 N , 2.75792 E). Following fungal ITS1 amplification with ITS1F-ITS2 primers, two runs of single-end 454 sequencing were performed (Roche GS Junior). In total, 90 samples were sequenced : 88 environmental samples (i.e. leaf samples), one technical replicate corresponding to the same leaf sample (collected on Fagus sylvatica) sequenced twice, and one negative control for DNA extraction. The 88 environmental samples correspond to 84 samples collected on trees in the Arboretum des Barres and 4 samples simultaneously collected on trees in the Pierroton Iresearch station (INRAe, Cestas, France, 44.73734 N ; 0.77492 W). Bioinformatics scripts as well as raw and filtered ASV Tables are provided. Protocols and preliminary analyses are described in Quention Baillavoine's Master thesis (

Metadata Access
Creator Lesur Kupin, Isabelle; Vacher, Corinne
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Lesur Kupin, Isabelle
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference AIP Bioressource METAPHORE ; ANR NGB (ANR-17-CE32-0011)
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Lesur Kupin, Isabelle (INRAE)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; text/plain; application/x-r-data
Size 6614187; 16446; 10878629; 18684; 73354; 56561; 6381739; 12185; 184834; 132868; 125945; 126729; 124613; 1298; 948; 65266; 922745; 515340
Version 4.0
Discipline Geosciences; Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Natural Sciences