Flow intermittence indicators from the projection simulations (1985-2100) in ...
Statistical monthly and yearly flow intermittence indicators calculated from the simulated daily state of flow in the Bükkösdi DRN (Hungary). Indicators are provided for 3 SSP... -
Flow intermittence indicators from the reconstruction simulations (1960-2021)...
Statistical monthly and yearly flow intermittence indicators calculated from the simulated daily state of flow in the Butiznica DRN (Croatia). Indicators for the reconstruction... -
WhichFingers: Identifying Fingers on Touch Surfaces and Keyboards using Vibra...
Experimental data associated with the project and paper WhichFingers. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3126594.3126619 http://ns.inria.fr/mjolnir/whichfingers/ -
Training and development dataset for information extraction in plant epidemio...
The “Training and development dataset for information extraction in plant epidemiomonitoring” is the annotation set of the “Corpus for the epidemiomonitoring of plant”. The... -
Couples de chaînes de modélisation et de points de simulation aberrants dans ...
Lors de l'analyse multi-modèles des résultats des projections hydrologiques, certaines chaînes de modélisation pour certains points de simulation sont apparues comme aberrants /... -
Corpus for the epidemiomonitoring of plant
The corpus is the collection of 165 documents on plant health to which the manual annotations of the 'Training and development dataset for information extraction in plant... -
Emotional contagion of fear and joy from humans to horses using a combination...
Data associated with the article "Emotional contagion of fear and joy from humans to horses through facial and vocal cues" -
AGRIBALYSE® version 3.2
Ce jeu de données comporte toute la documentation associée à la version 3.2 de la base de données AGRIBALYSE®. Ce jeu de données est composé de documents indépendants et... -
Behavioral Measures on Sheep Exposed to Olfactory Stimuli in a Positive Context
The dataset presented comes from an experimental study on the emotional responses of ewes exposed to olfactory stimuli in a positive context. The animals (30 adult Ile-de-France... -
Flow intermittence indicators from the reconstruction simulations (1960-2021)...
Statistical monthly and yearly flow intermittence indicators calculated from the simulated daily state of flow in the Lepsämänjoki DRN (Finland). Indicators for the... -
Data from : Worldwide phylogeography and history of wheat genetic diversity
This repository hosts two datasets of the paper "François Balfourier et al., Worldwide phylogeography and history of wheat genetic diversity." Sci.Adv.5, eaav0536(2019).... -
Hydrological reconstruction (1960-2021) of the Genal DRN (Spain)
Hydrological model outputs at daily time step for the reconstruction period (1960-2021) in the Genal DRN (Spain). Simulated discharge, baseflow an state of flow (flowing/dry) is... -
Hydrological reconstruction (1960-2021) of the Albarine DRN (France)
Hydrological model outputs at daily time step for the reconstruction period (1960-2021) in the Albarine DRN (France). Simulated discharge, baseflow an state of flow... -
Flow intermittence observations collected in the European Drying River Networks
Flow intermittence observation collected in the 6 studied European Drying River Networks (DRNs) of the DRYvER project from various sources (field campaigns, gauging stations,... -
Flow intermittence indicators from the projection simulations (1985-2100) in ...
Statistical monthly and yearly flow intermittence indicators calculated from the simulated daily state of flow in the Albarine DRN (France). Indicators are provided for 3 SSP... -
Data for Real-time monitoring of replication errors
The dataset contains the raw data and codes for data analysis and simulations generated for the publication entitled Real-time monitoring of replication errors's fate reveals... -
Hydrological projections (1985-2100) of the Genal DRN (Spain)
Hydrological model outputs at daily time step for the projection simulations (1985-2100) in the Genal DRN (Spain). Simulated discharge, baseflow an state of flow (flowing/dry)... -
Geographical information for the European Drying River Networks
Geographic and topological information of the six studied drying river networks (DRNs) across Europe. It is designed to support hydrological modeling and flow intermittence... -
Supplementary table 1. Milk fatty acid composition of cows submitted to diffe...
Supplementary table : Milk fatty acid composition of cows submitted to different milking frequencies in interaction with their susceptibility to lipolysis related to the article... -
Dataset for common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain and flour characterizat...
This dataset includes 29 TSV files comprising characterisation measurements for 290 wheat samples. Data stored in the EVAGRAIN PO2 knowledge base have been extracted using...