
100 repositories found

  • ahri

    AHRI - Africa Health Research Institute

    The Africa Health Research Institute AHRI is an independent,...

    218 Datasets View AHRI - Africa Health Research Institute
  • artsetmetiers

    Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology

    Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology is a high engineering school fitted...

    9 Datasets View Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology
  • askeladden


    Askeladden is a Norwegian database system for managing cultural heritage...

    201607 Datasets View Askeladden
  • bbmri


    The main vision of the project was to increase the scientific excellence and...

    21 Datasets View BBMRI
  • bifie

    BIFIE - Federal Institute for Education Research, Austria

    174 Datasets View BIFIE - Federal Institute for Education Research, Austria
  • bluecloud


    In Europe, considerable activities and investments are undertaken for...

    69874 Datasets View Blue-Cloud
  • ceric


    CERIC is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) integrating and...

    7 Datasets View CERIC
  • cessda


    CESSDA provides large-scale, integrated and sustainable data services to the...

    30099 Datasets View CESSDA
  • clarin


    CLARIN stands for Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure. It...

    4412 Datasets View CLARIN
  • compbiomed


    CompBioMed is a European Commission H2020 funded Centre of Excellence focused...

    9 Datasets View CompBioMed
  • cora


    The CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca (CORA.RDR) is a repository of open,...

    719 Datasets View CORA.RDR
  • crc1211db

    CRC 1211 Database

    The CRC1211DB is the project-database of the Collaborative Research Centre...

    63 Datasets View CRC 1211 Database
  • danseasy


    DANS-EASY is an online archiving system for depositing and reusing research...

    308868 Datasets View DANS-EASY
  • dariah-de


    The DARIAH-DE Repository is a central component of the DARIAH-DE Research...

    3830 Datasets View DARIAH-DE
  • darus


    DaRUS - the Data Repository of the University of Stuttgart DaRUS is the place...

    1600 Datasets View DaRUS
  • datadoi


    The mission of DataDOI is to offer preservation and dissemination of Estonian...

    342 Datasets View DataDOI
  • drga

    Data Repository Grenoble Alpes

    The Data Repository Grenoble Alpes DRGA is a multidisciplinary repository for...

    23 Datasets View Data Repository Grenoble Alpes
  • umontpellier


    You will find here the datasets of the University of Montpellier, labelled...

    66 Datasets View Data_UMontpellier
  • univgustaveeiffel

    Data Univ. Gustave Eiffel

    This institutional space on Research Data Gouv repository gathers research...

    33 Datasets View Data Univ. Gustave Eiffel
  • dataversenl


    Online storage, sharing and registration of research data, during the...

    7474 Datasets View DataverseNL